Dec 31, 2009

It has been better year, because of spiritual experiences for a change on the inside for a better life on the outside. Glory to GOD

Dec 30, 2009

You and I are worth GOD and a good life, victory through his help, growing and improving, through cooperation with GOD.

Dec 29, 2009

Without a deep sense of my need of help from GOD, there will be but little importance and heartfelt prayer for divine aid.
If you use your thinking you won't pray. GOD consciousness is when your constantly talking to GOD.
Use prayer so you don't have to use your thinking, if you use your thinking you won't pray. GOD consciousness is when your constantly

Dec 28, 2009

When GOD makes up His jewels, the true, the frank, the honest, will be His chosen ones, His treasures.

Build my life on the firm foundation of true gratitude to GOD for all His blessings and true humility because of my unworthiness.

Dec 27, 2009

GOD please help me to improve my situation, my condition(s), my life by
improving my relationship with you, I know I will get better.

Dec 25, 2009

Everything GOD does is majestic, brilliant, worth attention, help me GOD, I have nothing to depend on but your unfailing love.
Everything GOD does is majestic, brilliant, worth attention, help me GOD, I have nothing to depend on but your unfailing love.

Dec 24, 2009

When my faith is in GOD I will not be shaken by bad news because my heart is fixed on GOD and I trust all things to GOD.

Dec 23, 2009

Our souls are restless until we find rest in GOD, we cannot win without GOD, plug into the Divine Mind and be victorious

Dec 22, 2009

Praise the LORD GOD! Satisfied and fully happy is the person who respects and honors GOD, who takes pleasure staying close and obeying GOD.

Dec 21, 2009

The light of GOD is his presence, his power, his principles practiced now, straightens my thinking, corrects my behavior, changes me.

Dec 20, 2009

Separation from GOD started with Adam, at the garden, all have been born separated from GOD, then locked up in self and fear.

Dec 19, 2009

I'm constantly asking, begging GOD for help. Everyday, as I breathe, pleading to GOD through prayer. Telling him all my issues.
I am but one, but I am one; I can’t do everything,

But I can do SOMETHING; What I can do, I ought to do,

What I ought to do, with GOD helping me, I WILL DO.

Dec 18, 2009

GOD you got my back, my front, around me, most important, your in me, wherever I go, you are with me. I am yours, through corrections
Deep down in everyone man, woman, and child is basic spirit of GOD, below the visible is the unseen, GOD is there waiting to be sought. GOD maybe blocked by ego, troubles, worship of other things and people, below those things GOD is there.

Dec 17, 2009

Learn to practice pausing before I begin to pray to GOD and relax and listen to GOD after praying, GOD loves to respond to and inspire his children.

Don't rush to speak to GOD pause a few seconds and watch how he helps you to pray.
GOD never takes our will from us, he gives simple and universal principles to live better, get better, get to live, to give, to have.

Dec 16, 2009

According to your great power GOD, please rescue me, help me, set me free from me, or I won't make it.

Dec 15, 2009

Refresh in meditation on the Eternal

Go into a quiet, meditative place deep within where GOD dwells, for strength to carry you through today's duties and situations.

Serenity and Contentment

See the life of the spirit as a calm place, away from the turmoil of the world, go deep within where GOD dwells a full place of peace.

Dec 14, 2009

In all people, there is a good person which GOD sees, beyond the faults, and mistakes that man sees..

Dec 13, 2009

Praise GOD

Let other people praise you, even strangers, but don't praise yourself..

Dec 12, 2009

With a daily surrender to a Higher Power GOD, comes a peace in my mind, and a joy in my heart that makes all things new.

GOD is Good

Being foul on the inside showed on the outside, but GOD heard my cry's, setup residence in my mind and heart through grace, faith and love.

Dec 11, 2009

Want freedom, give and see how free you are without expecting anything from the reciever. Blessed is the giver.

Dec 10, 2009

Prayer and faith in GOD can move mountains even if the mountain is me.

Different attitude

Trials, see them as part of GOD's loving plan and accept them as being what he wants, are used to motivate humility and faith in GOD.

Even when times are at their worst, trust, rely and depend on GOD and accept whatever GOD sends you as being for your good.

Dec 9, 2009

The Unseen GOD provides all of his spirit, all his power that we need, so his principles can be lived out which govern our lives.

Dec 8, 2009

GOD's love is explosive like a bomb, he gives us all his goodness especially the humble. Thanks GOD for never ever giving up on me.
Thanks to GOD for he is always good, his mercy goes ahead of me, and follows me let
the redeemed of the LORD tell what he has done.

Dec 6, 2009

Psalms107 Modified

Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, his mercy endures forever.  Let the redeemed of the LORD tell what he has done, how he has saved them from destruction.

He fills our hearts with his goodness.  He satisifies our hunger and quenches our thirst.

When I prayed to GOD he saved me from my distress, and my despair.  He broke my pride, I cried to him and he brought me up and out he has a process for those who are helpless and hopeless.

I thank GOD for his unfailing love and wonderful things he has done for me, when I thought he didn't care, he proved me wrong and cares for me so very much. 


Good afternoon the words of person who loves GOD show his happiness, but a highly offensive man's words cover his violent nature.

Dec 5, 2009

Pausing before and after prayer, listen to GOD, GOD loves to inspire his children.

Dec 4, 2009

When GOD is constantly on my mind and in my heart, mentioning GOD becomes part of my nature, imagine GOD's joy of mentioning me.

Dec 3, 2009

I associate with spiritual, positive minded people, read spiritual, religious books with constant prayering, sharing with others.

Dec 2, 2009

Love works in action


Pity is not love, it's useless because it does not have a remedy for the need for someone.


I pray that I may have sympathy for those in temptation. I pray that I may have compassion for other's trials, as I have for my own.

The Light of GOD has Come

GOD's light (knowledge and disclosing) shine on those to do what is right and joy comes to the honest in heart..
Moved with sympathy, empathy, and compassion for one who suffers like I have, my responsibility to help bind the wounds should follow

Dec 1, 2009

GOD please help me, because, because of you GOD, I can, I will, help myself.. Amen is optional, GOD knows it's true, he can finish it
Praise JEHOVAH, HIS LOVE lifts me up, oh experience the unconditional all inclusive REAL LOVE OF GOD.


When a man's ways are pleasing to GOD even his enemies leave him alone.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Nov 30, 2009


Man prepares himself to give an answer, but only GOD can teach him to say it effectively.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Internal faith means nothing till made external through actions. Share my experience with GOD produces faith for the listener.

Faith comes by being taught

When the woman with a chronic disease thought to herself that if she can just touch the hem of the garment she will be made whole, this internal faith was made public through her actions. She believed GOD and did something and was rewarded healing and respected by GOD.

Nov 29, 2009

Joy from you GOD comes in the morning, fresh strength you give to face another day, praise you GOD who loves me inspite of me.

Nov 28, 2009

After I have suffer awhile in doubt, unbelief, prejudice I recieve help from GOD'S agent to bring me over the bridge to faith in GOD.

Nov 27, 2009

GOD is a very present help in all troubles. Those that wait on the LORD he shall renew their strength. Wait on GOD.

Nov 26, 2009

Just for today; I will accept my life, just as it is, gratefully to the giver of life, who I call GOD. Have a blessed holiday..

Nov 25, 2009

GOD keep me from expecting perfection from myself, and my spirit free from being conquered by the world.

Nov 24, 2009

In the world I will have challenges, be encouraged, JESUS has overcome the world. With GOD'S help nothing will defeat me.
All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
Boredom comes from thinking too much about yourself, love means to care enough to be useful to GOD, yourself and others.

Nov 23, 2009

Relationship and Companionship with GOD

GOD consciousness when cultivated, one will always think of GOD. I'm surprised GOD can choose me, I'm amazed at his grace, mercy and love. The relationship in GOD is a support which can not be shaken when one is grounded in GOD. Having a long term relationship with GOD through faith, and the effects are emotions, meekness, patient long suffering, humble spirit, obedience to GOD. Courage in GOD is the effects of faith in GOD, connection with GOD, intimate relationship with GOD. Not easily provoked is an effect of a short term or long term association with GOD. Have a family fellowship with GOD. Sharing same interest or aim or feeling of friendship between GOD and yourself. Because of the relationship with GOD the cornerstone the foundation has been fixed in place. So when the storms of life, that come into my life, because of GOD operating in my life, I don't get a chance to whine and complain, I don't create the storms in my life anymore. I walk in the power of my creator not by words but by his spirit.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
In matters of style, swim with the current; in mattters of principle, stand like a rock.
May my hope, trust, dependence, reliance be in the GOD of unlimited power keep me peaceful as a witness and a testimony.

Nov 22, 2009

It is faith, trusting GOD, that puts us in possession of GOD's principle, believing that he loves us and know what is for our good.

Nov 21, 2009

So let's walk right up to GOD in prayer and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

Nov 20, 2009

In the morning, my first thoughts should be upon GOD, the work, and self, never ever should anyone, or anything go first but GOD.

Nov 19, 2009

We need GOD and I want him, his happiness, his ways, his thinking, his peace, his love, his power, his spirit of everything.

Nov 18, 2009

True happiness has come as a result of giving myself to GOD, GOD gives me a right way to live this life in companionship with himself
True happiness has come as a result of living giving myself to GOD, he gives me a right way to live GOD wants me to live.

Nov 17, 2009

A smile is the lighting system of the face and the heating systen of the heart..
I pray that I continue to seek GOD who lives within me, instead of always seeking pleasure as my goal on the outside of me.

Nov 14, 2009

However weak I may think I am, allow GOD to act through me, then all my thoughts and sayings, do them with GOD's spiritual power.

Nov 13, 2009

Speak my faith, GOD comes by hearing, GOD spoke and so it is, he adds the increase, reliance on GOD through whatever, whenever.

Nov 12, 2009

I suffer, I hear about GOD, I'm encouraged to call upon GOD, I wait, and HE comes thru, and HE hooks me up, to HIM. My heart sings..

Nov 11, 2009

I pray that I may live as a channel of GOD's love, with GOD's power, in GOD's way, pleasing him, using me to help people come to him.

Nov 10, 2009

Build on my Faith

GOD has given everyone faith which is part of everyone's makeup, build on the faith in GOD daily, avoid all things that separate me from GOD.

See myself, or another take flight by spiritual freedom, by rising above problems, because GOD made these things possible. Smiling..

Nov 9, 2009

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without his trials.
So don't lose a second in building on what I have been given, complementing my faith with good character, spiritual understanding.

Nov 8, 2009

I use to be obsessed with self to the 10th power now GOD is obsessed by me, like anything I love, and worship I practice constantly.

Nov 7, 2009

Keep pouring out yourself to help others so that GOD can keep filling you up with HIS SPIRIT.

Nov 6, 2009

GOD can do anything but fail, he can take a arrogant sub-urban brat, super-ego, non-believer and make a agent for GOD for himself.
GOD keep me as an empty vessel, open minded, and a clear conscience ready to be filled by you GOD to complete your service orders.

Nov 5, 2009

I use to be problem-conscious now I'm GOD-conscious, aware of his power that keeps everything together. Love never fails.
GOD and I enjoy intimate companionship, and GOD expands my everything because of the position he restored me in. Know my place!

Nov 4, 2009

We are made of mind, body and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything GOD.
May my faith from GOD who(is), is everything, and is in me, be enlarged through GOD's power, to love and worship GOD above all.


Good morning when GOD approves of your life, even your enemies will end up shaking your hand. .

So be good to those who don't really like you but trust me they will respect you...

Nov 3, 2009

A man may conqure a million men in battle but one who conqures himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors.
When we grow to a point of life, where GOD isn't reduced to just emergencies, he's patiently waiting for the end of our best thinking

Nov 2, 2009

GOD has many voices, he speaks to us intimately, personally in times when it's quiet meditation, even when inside is not quiet.

Nov 1, 2009

Cherish GOD with your unique closeness, GOD feels your love with your inner life filled with faith, he will reward you greatly.

Oct 31, 2009

When I begin to go all out in material chasing, pause and begin praying for uncluttering the soul and give GOD access to the heart.

Oct 30, 2009

Live in GOD consciousness that GOD is present by constant thinking and talking to GOD and listening to GOD. GOD'S Love Operating thru

Oct 29, 2009

When life is unsatisfactory on the inside I can't drink, eat, shop, work, sex it away. Think of GOD and pursue him first he satisfies

Oct 28, 2009

GOD says my people perish(waste away)for lack of knowledge(which is power)which comes from GOD, people perish for lack of GOD.

Oct 27, 2009

GOD Cares

GOD cares for you and me, going through something impossible, GOD specializes in solving the human unsolvable, I'm a witness he can solve it.
The teachings of the wise are like a fountain of life; they will keep one from a lifestyle of death.

Oct 26, 2009

Remember - happiness is not based on possessions, power, or prestige - but on relationships with people you love and respect . . .
My faith gives praise to the GOD of the Universe instead of the GOD of Reason which is my thinking, can't serve both.

Oct 24, 2009

Those who don't want to learn will be poor, but those who listen and learn will be honored.
Having a relationship with GOD produces feelings greater than anything and anyone on earth, my solution is found inside.

Oct 23, 2009

Spiritual principles lived will change my thinking, attitude, feelings, behavior, and relationships which is evidence #GOD is working
Cherish yesterday, Dream tomorrow, Live today.
GOD first means peace on my mind, peace in my mind, I get peace with self, and I can live life as a overcomer.

Oct 22, 2009

Day by day I should slowly build up an unshakable faith in GOD and his ability to give me the help I need.

Oct 21, 2009

Humility arises from a deep sense of gratitude to GOD for giving you the strength to rise above past failures.

Oct 20, 2009

The light of GOD surrounds me; the love of GOD enfolds me; the power of GOD protects me; the presence of GOD watches over me.

Which experience to share?

Now that I have gotten use to blogging, I now have so a situation as to what to blog using this site. In the past few months I have been experiencing two more social media sites. Facebook and LinkedIn, one is family and friends and the other business associates and friends. So my twitter use and blogger use had diminished. I have been inspired to find a way to use one text submittal from my phone to twitter and facebook. Now I want to find a way to update blogger and linkedin through automation which can maximize my other activities and still allow me to share something positive through my drasitic spiritual changes GOD has giving and I have worked and working to progress. Today I found a way to edit a post while commuting to work. Be blessed in your personal journey as GOD orders your steps and mine.

Sep 23, 2009

Social Networking Explosion

In the past 5 months I have now joined 4 websites.
1 microblogger site Twitter
1 blogger site Blogger
1 friends and family site Facebook (just recently this month)
1 career networking site for business Linkedin
Now this may seem weird but I'm a technician and I have been out of the loop as far as being highly social outside of regular email, IM.
I attempted yahoo360, myspace social networking but I was not effective at being honest.
These days I'm getting really busy connecting with old friends and family on facebook.
It's likely that this will take some time to adjust to managing so many sites.
In this social networking era, I found my new mate and we have a beautiful family.
I'm not that bright to have attracted such beauty and elegance, and brilliance, and GODLY character so I know it was GOD who did the choosing via Twitter.
GOD can use anything to get his message and work accomplished.
I pray that my horizons may grow even wider. I pray that I may keep reaching out for more service and companionship.

Sep 15, 2009


I have to give a testimony of how awesome this GOD who has resurrected me from living for material gains and euphoria's which don't come from him or from love.
I have been equipped with some spiritual equipment from spiritual principles which is super natural and I know I don't deserve it.
I have lived in such wasteful living in my estimate that it would disqualify me to experience the kind of intimacy a saint would have.
I'm truly grateful to be restored to such closeness with the creator of the universe with such gentleness and goodness which makes me weep constantly.
When I know my actions have slapped GOD in the face and my attitude has been in the past scum of the universe, he has blessed me on the inside to rearrange my inner most feelings so that I love him more and more and love others more and more and I even love myself.
The beauty is that I got it by messing up so much. So he wants to use me for his glory now how did I find this treasure of a relationship? I had to make such train wrecks it's a shame to mention.
Anyway It's pure joy now to not even think about what others think of me and to think about how to please GOD who lives on the inside of me and expresses himself though my behavior, choices, words, and demeanor.
Is manifestation on what he can do with a life is remarkable and webster doesn't have words to describe this feeling on the inside, I'm living blessing of the miracle..
I want to continue on with courage but I must admit he has boosted my courage so I can even write this, even if it will encourage me further I'm grateful and ready to move on...
Thank you Heavenly Father, JESUS and Holy Spirit the three who rule forever as GOD.

Sep 7, 2009

Courage Part 2

I've always been a person who was worried about how others thought of me.
I also was a person who always did what I wanted to do.
Now I'm a person who thinks about how GOD thinks of me.
Now I'm a person who does what I need to do first.
It takes a amount of courage to have an attitude that I will seek, and maintain, pleasing GOD.
It takes a amount of courage to speak about the things of GOD.
It takes an amount of courage to do what pleases GOD.
The courage principle is one that I'm practicing as best as I can as I'm looking for an increase of courage and to minimize fear of today, tomorrow and the here after.
Perfect LOVE cast out Fear.
I pray and hope this series will help motivate your courage in walking with the LORD GOD.
Spiritual life is more than many take it to be. It does not consist wholly in gentleness, patience, meekness, and kindliness. These graces are essential; but there is need also of courage force, energy, and perseverance. The path that Christ marks out is a narrow, self-denying path. To enter that path and press on through difficulties and discouragements, requires men who are more than weaklings.

Aug 26, 2009

Courage Part 1

The courage principle is crucial in living faith to confront fear, confront uncertainty, face intimidation, develop bravery and become bold in the faith to live victorious for GOD.
Let's look at what Christ said to the woman who thought to herself if I could just touch the hem of his garment I would be made whole.
Then JESUS reassured her: "Courage, daughter. You took a risk of faith, and now you're well.
This woman exercised faith in JESUS to gain something for herself and she won with GOD's help, and see what JESUS said, he acknowledged her effort of faith and was rewarded.
Courage is the ability to confront, be determined with difficult situations, life long ones, but when we take a risk of faith and connect with GOD through JESUS he will reward you, come to him first for your circumstance.
A heart true to GOD is often in prayer.
Do not let one wave of discouragement come over you.
Give your thoughts over to the character and works of GOD think them over constantly.
This is only part one, there will be many more, look for my tweets to inspire courage within you.

Aug 19, 2009

Faith Part 4

Faith Series
How do you get Faith and where does it come from?
Before you believe, or trust, you have to listen. But unless Christ's Word is preached, there's nothing to listen to.
Romans 10:17 The Message Bible
Another translation says this:
So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself).
Romans 10:17 Amplified Bible
Faith, saving faith, is to be taught.
So we humans don't manufacture Faith it comes from the word of GOD.
Faith is trusting GOD--believing that He loves us and knows best what is for our good. Thus, instead of our own,it leads us to choose GOD's way.
In place of our ignorance, it accepts Christ's wisdom; in place of our weakness, Christ's strength; in place of our sinfulness, Christ's righteousness.
Our lives, ourselves, belong to Christ; faith acknowledges GOD's ownership and accepts his blessings.
Truth, uprightness, purity, have been pointed out as secrets of life's success.
It is faith that puts us in possession of these principles.

Aug 12, 2009

Faith Part 3

Let's view The Gospels one of the best sources in the bible to find JESUS acknowledging and rewarding faith in others.
Know this JESUS is the best example of faith and faithfulness as the Author and Finisher of faith.
Matthew 9:21 The Message Bible
She was thinking to herself, "If I can just put a finger on his robe, I'll get well." Jesus turned--caught her at it. Then he reassured her: "Courage, daughter. You took a risk of faith, and now you're well."
This one had faith operating within herself and it expressed itself in action, JESUS had many people touching him but recognized this woman who had a chronic disease or medical condition.
Another reading says this: The woman spent all of her means upon phsicians and remedies, only to be pronounced incurable. But as she heard of the Great Healer, her hopes revived. She thought, If only I could get near enough to speak to him, I might be healed. She saw him walking and got close enough and heard that healing came from a touch of his garments, and fearful of losing her one chance for relief she pressed forward, saying to herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
Christ knew and knows every thought of her mind and in your mind and mine, and he was makinghis way to where she stood. He realized her great need, and he was helping her to exercise faith.
As He was passing, she reached forward and succeeded in barely touching the border of his garment. That moment she knew that she was healed. In that one touch was concentrated the faith of her life, and instantly her pain and feebleness disappeared. Instantly she felt the thrill as of an electric current passing through every fiber of her being. There came over her a sensation of perfect health.
You got to look at this. She wanted to express her gratefulness to this Mighty Healer, who had done more for her in one touch than the physicians had done in twelve long years. With a grateful heart she tried to withdraw from the crowd. Suddenly JESUS stopped and looking round He asked, Who touched Me?
Peter told JESUS the whole multitude is touching you.
JESUS said somebody has touched me. JESUS said for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me, he can distinguish the touch of faith from the casual touch or the careless crowds.
Christ knew that this person touched him had deep purpose and he asked for the disciples and the people to gain the lesson that faith brought the healing power. The woman's trust must not be passed by without comment. GOD must be glorified by her grateful confession.
Christ desired her to understand that He approved her act of faith.
I hope you got something powerful lessons out of this Faith series.....

Aug 5, 2009

Faith Part 2

Lets look at what GOD looks at your faith as, no matter how much or little you have.
The Book of Peter 1:7 The Message Bible
Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through suffering comes out proved genuine.
What did you get out of this scripture, let me tell you what my faith says?
So suffering is used by GOD to purify your faith.
So your faith has to be tested, he wants real faith like real gold.
So GOD wants to mature your faith.
Let's look in the future for a minute as we look at this scripture, your faith is so precious to GOD, there is a purpose for it.
The Book of Peter 1:7 The Message Bible
Continued scripture:
When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.

Jul 28, 2009


Let's look at the word Faith in the bible, for here you will see how to accurately use this word.
I use various bible versions for my study please feel free to use what works for you but make sure it's words that you can look up the meanings and by all means pray before you do a study of GOD's word to invite his inspiration upon your heart and mind.
Heb 11:1 The Message Bible
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see.
Heb 11:1 Amplified Bible
NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
Did you get something from these two scriptures?
GOD is so fair and right, and good. He has given each of us the ability to make choices, we have free will.
In this country the Bill of rights has an amendment that says we have the freedom of religion, so we can choose any religion we want, in addition we can choose to have no religion or to have faith in GOD, it's our human right and our American right.
Let's keep moving, so you want to have faith?
Jude 1:20 Amplified Bible
Build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [ make progress, rise like an building higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit; (which means pray with GOD's power.)
Heb 11:6 Says: THE MESSAGE
It's impossible to pleaseGod apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond tothose who seek him.
Did you get the point from these two scriptures?
Next time I will post more about Faith from GOD's word.

Jul 23, 2009


Hello my fellow bloggers and readers, I really enjoy looking up quotes and finding great thinkers who have said some philosophical to say about life.
Don't you look for something that is fitting for your circumstance, or how you feel and think for the moment, something to give you a boost?
I like looking for inspiration and sometimes I can be drained at not finding the right words to fit me. I even have horoscopes to attempt to fill what I call a gap or emptiness of inspiration.
What I enjoy also is taking a powerful thought and updating it to more contemporary thoughts or ideas, making it more personal or using urban language.
What really turns me up and upward to move forward is going inside to get GOD which dwells on the inside by prayer, for real I have to go there in prayer, go and get him.
Get silent and pray slowly and listen after each word as I express my need for him, listen to him speak back to me as I pray to him, he gives inspiration for me.
This inspiration allows me to put something out in the atmosphere for others to be inspired to do the same thing I'm doing go to GOD for your hunger for wisdom and knowledge.
He really satisifies I mean he really does give you what you need so he inspires you and when your inspired from within you can face life successfully.

Jul 13, 2009

Shooting the breeze.

New experiences all the time, so many it's not easy to share them all, I even get writers block and I'm not a professional writer by a long shot, just one who GOD has brought out of darkness and brought into his marvelous light.
There is so many malnurished of the word of GOD and for someone to be an example of what GOD can do in a life.
The scripture says there is a labor shortage in the world his vinyard.
There will always be someone to witness to and share the good news of what GOD can do and has done.
There will always be scoffers, and doubters, resisters of the faith and truth from the bible or from a pastor or bible believer, you will face resistance.
But please don't be discourage, Jesus said he has overcome the world, have faith and love in GOD, he did, so can you and I, Jesus and GOD the Father wants you to be a overcomer.
It can get rough, sometimes tough, but don't stop talking to GOD in prayer, seek him no matter what your up against, or not up against, pray non-stop.
This is not one of those oh let me tell you what has happened, so much is happening, like your experiences, GOD has lots of evidence that says how much he loves you.
Sunshine and rain, we all have it, it's just what do we do when life shows up, when things happen contrary to our comfort zones?
I'm grateful you had a moment to come by and see what's going on with me, I'm about the Father's business, I hope and pray every week I can have something for you to chew spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and for your behavior choices.

Jul 3, 2009

Greater than me

Greater is he that is in you and me than he that is in the world.
What does that scripture mean?
GOD is the greater in me, GOD is the one greater than anything outside of you or me.
There are so many micro organisms inside the human body, and brain than the galaxies in heaven.
When GOD created you and me, he did a wonder, a awesome creation, we are his marvelous creation, we are just a little lower than the angel.
I'm writing this as encouragement of how much GOD put into creating you, to promote his love, to provoke love for him, and to educate those who consider GOD to be just in heaven.
Please note that you should be glad that GOD dwells inside of each of us, keeping every part of your body together just like he keeps the world rotating and rotating around the sun.
Jesus created you and me to have himself on the inside of you, he wants a surrendered person so he can be truly inside your heart and develop your personality and your character.
Scripture points out that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, you don't have to go to a place to get GOD.
He is within you all the time, please note if you didn't have him within you you wouldn't be alive.
Study the WORD of GOD it will tell you how important it is to keep feeding on what keeps you alive like food for the physical, you also have other systems working within you.
Don't neglect those other systems or components within your system, each neesds proper balance to keep you healthy.
Emotional, Mental, Relationship with GOD, you also need behavior or character if you would, don't forget you also need financial. There are 6 areas of your being that needs work.
I should say me in the first person, I'm learning to be fully alive and each part of my being a live needs GOD's touch to be complete lacking nothing.

Jun 26, 2009


There has been some rare occurances happening in my life this month. One is the abstinence of drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, well you know that drugs is a leading cause of death, those legal and illegal right. Well I know that I know, that I know that GOD has solved this problem for me, he has removed the addictions that were causing health problems in my life. There is no explaining this kind of mercy, only to say he did it, a blessing of a miracle, a phenomenon. In addition, he has brought someone very special in my life by way of twitter, this person is such a good person, I think of her as virtuous woman like the one in Proverbs 31. This woman has moral excellence, so pure in heart, and a love that is heart felt, I'm so happy with our conversations, and our time together, we have so much fun together we pray daily together. I can only say that because of GOD I have been truly blessed with such gifts, a longer lease on my life. I want to give credit to where credit is due for these things that I could not due by myself and for myself. I'm glad GOD has done this, so that I can tell others he can, and will do, he is able, GOD could and would if he were sought. There are other things that GOD has done, but I will tell about that later. I do know that if it can be explained, GOD didn't do it, he does what no man can do, the unexplained.

Jun 17, 2009


Are my words part of the solution or part of the problem?
After blogging some encouragement on twitter in 140 characters as well as sending 160 characters via text messaging from my phone, I received a text msg followed by a phone call.
Notice how I said encouragement?
My new friend had some feedback, and I welcomed it. After listening I begin questioning how my words can take on various meanings and can be misunderstood, or misinterpreted, I begin to internalize how one interprets words and my mind began to explode in thought, I knew I had to at least make a beginning of this thought frenzy with a blog.
I was always told that words are spirits so if they are alive we must be careful how they are used. The bible refers to words spoken can mean life or death.
The history of creation and GOD's revelation of himself in written documents says he spoke and creation appeared, so there must be power from GOD spoken word's.
When you hear something that pertains to the subject of GOD, do you shut down? Does it turn you on or off? This can be an indication if you are awake or sleep spirtually.
How my mind works, I saw in the text msg was how someone can dissect the message and pick what is relevant for them and leave the rest for others.
Interesting, kind of like going to a buffet restaurant and you find what you like and everything else you just pass it by.
Another view is like going over to someone’s home for dinner and they pass you a plate and you say I don’t eat this or that, and they either put it back in the pot or you receive the plate, but you don’t eat everything on your plate.
Well these are analogies of how I analyzed the feedback I received without reacting negatively or judging the person providing feedback.
Words, we use them so rapidly, if you are like me, you take them for granted.
Some of us are extraverts which speak first to hear our thoughts, and some are introverts who think first before speaking these are personality styles and we all have styles of processing information from logic to feelings, and timing styles.
Words can spark someone to hike the football, or to run a certain play in any sport, words communicated can start a war or end one, words can cause someone to react and commit murder, or cause someone to live the rest of their lives together.
Words can give someone a name that will stick through a lifetime, words that damage can injure for a lifetime as well.
The bible speaks volumes about words we use, like a salt fountain, or a bitter sweet fountain, your mouth can’t be both fountains.
Take time to consider our words careful when we start to write or speak.

Jun 10, 2009


We live in a day when super natural power is in the movies, on tv, and video games, comic books, you name it, someone is always talking about power. We all have someone who we admire, someone we even praise, maybe even a fantasy person who can do just about anything. If you have seen my twitter page, you'll always see some figure who is shiny and on a surf board, well that person is called Silver Surfer. When I was younger, I read comic books and he was one of my favorites, why? He had cosmic powers, and can do some amazing things and was unbeatable, indestructable. Ok enough about the fantasy let's talk about about someone who is real. I'm so happy that there is one who has all power in the heavens and in the earth, he is ruler of all life, he created everyone, he is the orginator of all things, he is wiser than everyone, stronger than everyone, no one is higher than him, he is everywhere at the same time, he comes in and out of time, he is all ways on time. He has so many attributes most are not recorded, one thing for sure that I know that I know, that I know, that I know. GOD is LOVE. He showed his love to me and to you whether you acknowledge it is irrelevant, he sent his special son Jesus to the earth that he designed. He was sent to rescue us from total seperation from himself. I can write a lot about Jesus and what he has done in my life, and what he is still doing in my life, how he still answers prayers, he still shows up and shows out, how he forgives, shows mercy, gives grace. What does this all mean, this SuperHero wants to be your friend, he wants to be on your mind, and in your heart, he wants you to be part of his eternal family, he wants you to see him and experience his love for eternity. Well I hope to write more, just know that there is someone who has unlimited love and unlimited power and he wants to be so close that nothing can seperate you from him. Isn't it worth knowing more about this SuperHero, it doesn't matter the name you call him, you can say I AM, Jesus, Father in Heaven, GOD he can answer all of the names, just call him, and when you do, it will be an unending relationship a Perfect GOD and imperfect humanbeing.

Jun 5, 2009

Get the focus on him, he who has all power.

GOD woke me up, if your reading this, he woke you, he doesn't need an alarm, he is the alarm.
I like it when everything starts with GOD, he is the beginning, he is the end.
He starts you on your way, may he direct your path, and may he speak to your heart and mind.
He speaks to me, and he speaks to you, can you hear him through your heart or someone else?
It's amazing when GOD wants your attention, he longs for your time, your love.
GOD will make it all better, he wants to prove himself he is real, and he cares, life gets better.
Don't focus on your hurts, your faults, forgive yourself, and keep moving, he throws it in
the sea of forgetfulness.

Jun 4, 2009

Say hello to the bad guy.

You know I'm not one who is quick to say I'm wrong, as a matter of fact, I'm kinda slow.
Slow to say sorry, slow to ask for forgiveness, slow to see myself wrong.
Why is that?
To answer that one must be willing to seek the truth from a bible perspective, biblical point of view, a spiritual authority.
Let's look at Adam he was able to name all the animals, wow, every animal that was created, that is truly amazing that the brain has capability to name something new, just imagine if you will the various species and subspecies.
Ok now we must see what happen to that mind, he ate of a tree and lost his mind.
What's wrong with eating?
Well eating is not wrong, it's what you eat from that is wrong, especially if the one who created it tells you don't do it.
Ok well all know that, well as soon as he did and was summons for a report, he was called in for accountability because that's what GOD will do for each one of us.
Don't we all have some excuse why we do things and don't we think we have the answers to life.
GOD said did you eat of the tree I told you not to eat from?
Adam blamed GOD first for giving him a woman and she gave him the fruit of the forbidden tree.
See that blame game.
Well I said all of that to say that I have what he had a messed up mind, and it isn't that reliable.
Two weeks ago, me and my girlfriend went on a small trip, it was lovely until I arrived with my ego and attitude and I started blaming my girlfriend for things, like out of the blue.
One thing led to another and I was angry and being very hurtful, but back then if I were to tell you what happen I would say I was just being honest.
But honesty can hurt someone so bad that they must get away from the source of pain and that's what she did she got away from me for 2 weeks.
Yesterday she spoke to me, and I did it again, and I heard her cry over the phone and I was immediately telling her to stop crying, please, I don't want you to cry, lets talk, lets work it out.
As we talked I felt I must take some action about the people I have drawn into my life in our 2 week seperation.
I did, and it was painful but not as painful as hurting the one I love for the past 6 years.
Long story short, the lesson, I must draw the line and not cross over the path of getting close to another woman, when I give another woman the attention that my lady deserves I have crossed the line.
GOD is good, he is the author of real love, closing down what is not true love and opening the door for true love, he got me and my g/friend back together and for me to get some sanity about my social behavior.
Well my hope is that I can stay on the path of learning how not to be the bad guy.

Jun 3, 2009

Believe in yourself still more in GOD

Why believe in yourself?
Well I know now why I must believe in myself, treat myself with upmost care, love myself, take good care of the self that people see and the one that they don't see.
Let me say you are worthy to believe in yourself, because if you knew the GOD working in you who wants you to believe in yourself but still more in him who lives deep inside of you.
He paid a high price for your belief, and he knows you have a war upon your belief system.
I know I have been convicted that my actions prove that I believe I'm smarter than GOD, it's not my words but my actions.
So believe in yourself because GOD does, he equips you, empowers you, because he loves you and wants you to enjoy the life he has given you, he is the author of all life and since you are breathing today it is because today he had a plan to wake you up.
All things are possible to him that believes, so be willing, pray for willing to believe, tell GOD you don't believe but help my unbelief.
Listen to him speak to your heart, and desiring your closeness so you can get to know him and have a wonderful relationship with him.
Jesus made it possible as our brother to have access to the Heavenly Father but you don't have to look all in space, he is on the inside of you, look within he's there.

Jun 2, 2009


For deep down in everyone there is a basic spirit of GOD, GOD may be blocked by the trouble of trying to handle your troubles, the ego, and the admiration of other things but in some form GOD is there.
This is something that I have to share because it's why I'm on twitter.
I had been praying all through my early christian experiences but I never prayed to be unblocked.
Anyway I believe GOD has been searching for me like when he asked for Adam? Not that GOD was lost.
Where are you DrUw?
I was given a prayer and I started that prayer about 2 mo ago, and as a result GOD responded.
The prayer concept is simple GOD please remove the things that are blocking me from you, myself and others. Amen.
Well I found Twitter through watching a link about a Oprah, lol, and she said something about Twitter, then I saw a Sprint commercial about Twitter.
My inquisitive mind started and my job didn't block the site so I went and started a profile April 20th 2009.
So people started to pouring into my life, then I started blogging like this journal, then my girlfriend which I thought was good for me 6 years became an ex.
Then I received so much happiness from interacting with a special persons and a special person and my service to others and GOD has increased so much. Not me the hermit.
GOD is moving, and I hope he moves in your life, he listens and cares for you he wants you unblocked.
GOD wants to fill that void, that hole in your gut, that emptiness..

May 27, 2009

Life shows up

You are very dear to my heart my new friends if you are reading this, friends through the ambient awareness portal of twitter.
I have made some quick friends and can keep updated with your journey as well as mine, which is normal for me if I look at my past, but there are so many that I haven't the time to respond to like I want.
Please forgive me I want to connect but work, home maintenance, friends over the phone, text messaging and I have to make time for my devotional time and close time with GOD my best companion, of course I love some TV shows and readings, and blog sites of my twitter folk especially the interesting variety updates.
Anyway just know I plan on getting to know each one of you who I have a special interest in.
Thank you for coming into my world, it's a matter of time management and it's a trip.
New changes in my long term relationship just ended with my inability to control it or let go of it when it's time, I just don't have that much sense but GOD knows whats best and because he moves in mystery he moved her out of my life and blocked my heart of her coming back.
So much investment but I gained some pain to help myself not repeat it and to help someone else.
Look at your experiences that have shaped your life most were out of your control.
Be Blessed GOD is doing wonders look at him work in your life he is there, I'll talk about it in my life so you can see him yours.

May 21, 2009

Few better than Multitude

I'm so grateful for the few people in my life and surrounding my life interests.
Those who take the time to share content that would appeal to others besides themselves.
Grateful for this medium, and others who have a place for people of all varieties to meet.
Those who take the time to listen to me with all of my imperfections.
To those who leave comments and suggestions and those silent ones who ponder.
Bless you, bless your life, your family, your work, your struggles, your relationships.
I don't need a crowd, all I need is GOD with him comes love and everything even those he chose to create with their creator in their heart.

May 20, 2009

Have I studied for the test?

Lately I've been enjoying the sociable scene on Twitter which is my primary social media network. I speak a lot about it, today marks my 1st month of daily activity.
I can tell you two things about it, one it's a good networking tool used correctly it can transmit to hundreds and thousands and millions of people and 2nd it can be used destructively in pulling down relationships.
Let me tell you about my experience today, now every body knows there is that one day when you are puzzled, amazed, and disappointed with how you are handling the day.
I have a couple of good things going for me, but I also have some things that need GOD's strength.
Most people who have noticed my online activity have noticed you communicate often with women.
If the conversation is on spiritual things there are chances that the thoughts and emotions mainly mine are taimed and I can say I am behaving.
Some may know where I'm going with this, today, I have been exposed to the deceitfullness or rather the hidden ambition of my heart, I say I only want frienship but don't I have a girlfriend.
I have looked upon beautiful women, very sexually attractive women, now looking is one thing but I have crossed into the virtual world and have shared my phone number which for me is a no no.
If you have read my past blogs you may know I something about me but if you know men you already know what I'm capable of.
Lets me put it to you this way, someone that is not very attractive or gets my eye I'm fine, and if they don't say anything seductive I'm cool. But wait, I found someone today that was innocent at our first conversation, then it escalated and before I knew it I'm head over heals in unacceptable conversation.
Now let me back track, and show you the setup, first I saw some ladies in my followers list, and my curiosity made me look on their page, I gave complimentary comments.
These weren't just have a nice day comments they were comments that are praising a women for her beauty.
Now usually I don't do this, that's #1, then someone with whom I tweeted with before but nothing remarkable showed up in my inbox and I responded and she responded and next then I know I'm giving her my phone number.
Now this happen to another women within an hour as well and now I have about 6 women total that I talk to from twitter.
This is not to glorify myself or the guilt that I feel, but to expose the test of character that I am facing.
In addition when I saw the comments I sent them showing up on my page I immediately was embarrased and I deleted them, I hope all.
Now I'm sitting here feeling like a creep.
Today was not the best of days concerning my behavior and character and my conscience is warm.
Why all the women, don't I love and cherish my g/f of 6 years, am I missing something.
I need answers and I need them quickly because it is out of control.
I have failed the test that has been setup for me.

May 19, 2009

Spiritual Speculation

I must be careful about this wonderful gift of expression online, I must take heed what Paul wrote to the Colosians, stay focus on Christ and not my thinking.
My girlfriend and I are soul tied for the past 6 years, she is precious to me but most important she is very precious to the Savior Christ Jesus who died and rose again for us all.
I was hurt over an incident which may have been minor to others but to me it was like my best friend betrayed me, it was as though she just forgot about my humanness. I couldn't just tell her I proved it with my actions how I the hurt I felt.
She was hurt and you know we men can be hard core, and of course my phone went off so we had no communication, and I even unfollowed her on Twitter and ignored her @'s and direct msgs. You know what we do, we try to close the door and refuse to work it out, just stone cold was my attitude.
But my deceitfulness of my heart said now I will seek another.
GOD says no we are not over, my girlfriend came over to my place, she apologized, she told me how she understood how I felt, and that she was wrong and ask for forgiveness, she hugged and kissed and said we have had worse things happen, instantly my coldness got warm and I forgave her.
GOD reminded me of so often my mistakes as Mr Spiritual I have made. I'm reminded I'm on a fallen planet, I have not been transported to heaven and he is still working on me, and still working on her, as he has forgiven me countless times and I mean unnumberial times, so must I forgive her.
I'm encouraged to be patient why the rush of GOD's perfect seasons.
He is so good to me and to you. What a Great Teacher the Spirit of GOD that dwells within!

May 18, 2009

Another Level

Just recently a earthquate shocked greater Los Angeles area, and it shook me and woke me out of my nap around 9pm Sunday 5.17.09.
Have you ever had your world rocked?
Earthquakes are common for Southern California.
I wasn't hurt from the quake nor the aftershock, it got my attention and I immediately turned on the news.
Did I pray, well let's say no but I thank GOD for his arms of safety he does give peace in the midst of chaos.
Well I also got a shaking which was emotional over the weekend, or rather spiritual in nature concerning an area of my life I'm not very strong at.
That is my current or past tense relationship with my girlfriend.
It pain me to say it's over after 6 years.
I'm usually the type that will talk and be friends, but my insides is telling me to move on get to pushing it.
I believe GOD moves in ways and works without my permission, his Spirit works with my human spirit and he works.
I want to elevate and grow, and GOD knows I do, but the person I've been with may not have the same growth, or maturity, or desire, she may be satisifed with her relationship with GOD.
I'm wanting more of GOD, and what he would have to me to become, this means a seperation of what I believed was intimate relationship me my girlfriend had. But we were not going anywhere, maybe materialistically, but that's an aspect that doesn't truly have a lasting significance in my life.
Some shaking is worth looking at inwardly, I thought I would share this with you and hope you take a look at what GOD may be stripping you from and seeing what he leaves you with.
I believe he wants a closer one on one relationship, something I have put other things, my ego, and my attempts to solve my own problems or trouble.
Be Blessed my friends and thanks for being patient as GOD helps me to share what's really going on.

May 15, 2009

Chapter 1

Early on I was told I had entered what they call a spiritual warfare. I remember being so on fire for my new friend Jesus, I spoke of Jesus, Church, the word of GOD, my parents didn't know who I was, my friends began teasing me and rejecting me. My closest friends I brought to Church but they responded differently. I kind of thought what's wrong with me. Do you remember when you first believed it was so exciting the new information if you were like me you wanted to tell the world.

I didn't know how to live life though, even though I did what most new Christians did, my twenties was filled with Church meetings during the week and weekend. I remained faithful to GOD and the Church where I first heard about Jesus for almost 10 years.

I heard plenty of preaching, and teaching, and I studied the word of GOD the bible constantly. The truth was being bombed in my life, Jesus military campaign continued.

My life began to change quickly as I mentioned on my last blog. I married that girl who had a toddler and began early as a husband and a step daddy.

GOD also increased our family by giving me two more daughters so we were a young family.

I did not do a good job as a young family man so I had a divorce but I saw my two daughters regularly.

I wasn't comfortable with being by myself, I found myself with lots of women, and quickly I fell in love and GOD gave me a son.

In those twenties I went to several colleges, universities and tech schools.

My twenties also was difficult because I had such bad habit going back to my night life lifestyle to find what I thought could comfort me for having a divorce and now three children in my twenties.

The only biblical character I could relate to who had an affair and family trouble was David.

What DrUw had a problem with I didn't know I had a problem, was my lack of GOD. It wasn't GOD who was lost, I was lost. I needed more Jesus.

GOD said he began a good work in you and will finish it till Jesus Christ comes again.