For deep down in everyone there is a basic spirit of GOD, GOD may be blocked by the trouble of trying to handle your troubles, the ego, and the admiration of other things but in some form GOD is there.
I had been praying all through my early christian experiences but I never prayed to be unblocked.
Anyway I believe GOD has been searching for me like when he asked for Adam? Not that GOD was lost.
Where are you DrUw?
I was given a prayer and I started that prayer about 2 mo ago, and as a result GOD responded.
The prayer concept is simple GOD please remove the things that are blocking me from you, myself and others. Amen.
Well I found Twitter through watching a link about a Oprah, lol, and she said something about Twitter, then I saw a Sprint commercial about Twitter.
My inquisitive mind started and my job didn't block the site so I went and started a profile April 20th 2009.
So people started to pouring into my life, then I started blogging like this journal, then my girlfriend which I thought was good for me 6 years became an ex.
Then I received so much happiness from interacting with a special persons and a special person and my service to others and GOD has increased so much. Not me the hermit.
GOD is moving, and I hope he moves in your life, he listens and cares for you he wants you unblocked.
GOD wants to fill that void, that hole in your gut, that emptiness..
Wow Druw, I see the sincerity in your blog. How powerful and humbling it is to see someone who has openned himsef up to rcv the counsel of GOD. Note: With out the love of GOD and his patience NOTHING EVEN MATTERS!
What a powerful testimony. Thank you for being transparent. I heard Joyce Meyer say a few weeks ago that there's a God shaped hole in each of us that only He can fill.
I love Twitter too, because iron sharpens iron. Not only is it a great way to promote one's business, it's also a wonderful to promote Christ.
Be blessed.
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