Oct 6, 2017

I know it's been a long while but we have come from a very long way

These are some trying times the best of times and the worst of times.

We are here for this reason, to make the best of it, or the worst of it.

I am not here to judge your performance, your life path, or your divine plan.

I have my own but I am here to make a difference and somewhere in the universe the truth is known.

So let me say I been busy like you, with the ups and downs, the backwards and forward movement.

I have been away from this blog but not away from blogging.

I hope everyone is doing all right just trust that everything is in divine timing, divine planning.

Trust that everyone is where they are and everyone is doing what they are doing, and it's all right.

I leave you bright lights above and below inwards and outwards to know that we unconditional love

and Violet Fire is our tools to develop and ascend for healing ourselves and all the earth.

Peace and blessings and divine inheritance and heavens abundance and well being is yours!
