Nov 29, 2013

Play opens the door to creativity

Play opens the pathways for creativity to flow freely. When we are engaged in play, we connect with the heart, rather than leading with our minds. As we access the essence of pure potentiality, transformative ideas and solutions come to us spontaneously, and we are boundlessly creative.

Play opens the door to creativity

Play opens the pathways for creativity to flow freely. When we are engaged in play, we connect with the heart, rather than leading with our minds. As we access the essence of pure potentiality, transformative ideas and solutions come to us spontaneously, and we are boundlessly creative.

Mindful of Play

Take some time today to engage in a playful activity that you really enjoy. Challenge some colleagues to a pickup basketball game at lunch or after work. Walk with your friends, or dip your feet into the office-park fountain. Whatever you choose to do, allow yourself to enjoy the freedom of playfulness and notice what unfolds.

Mindful of Play

Take some time today to engage in a playful activity that you really enjoy. Challenge some colleagues to a pickup basketball game at lunch or after work. Walk with your friends, or dip your feet into the office-park fountain. Whatever you choose to do, allow yourself to enjoy the freedom of playfulness and notice what unfolds.

Mindful of Play

Take some time today to engage in a playful activity that you really enjoy. Challenge some colleagues to a pickup basketball game at lunch or after work. Walk with your friends, or dip your feet into the office-park fountain. Whatever you choose to do, allow yourself to enjoy the freedom of playfulness and notice what unfolds.

Mindful of Play

Take some time today to engage in a playful activity that you really enjoy. Challenge some colleagues to a pickup basketball game at lunch or after work. Walk with your friends, or dip your feet into the office-park fountain. Whatever you choose to do, allow yourself to enjoy the freedom of playfulness and notice what unfolds.

Let Go and Let God

I believe God wants you to know...
...that you must be willing to lose it all before you can
have it all.
What does this mean? It means that until you can let
go of everything, you will find it hard to hold onto
Detachment is the key. If you are so attached to
something that you are deeply unhappy without it,
then you are not simply attached, you are addicted.

Nov 28, 2013

Gratitude for experience and everything

I believe God wants you to know...
...that gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative
force in the universe.
Most people do not know this, yet it is true. Expressing
thankfulness in advance is the way of all Masters. So
do not wait for a thing to happen and then give thanks.
Give thanks before it happens, and watch energies swirl!
To thank God before something occurs is an act of
extraordinary faith. And that, of course, is where the
power comes from. It's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.
Why not make it Thanksgiving Day in the hearts of
people everywhere, all the time?

Nov 27, 2013

Spiritual stand not a physical one

Let the principal of spiritual truth be the foundation that I live not by bread alone, nor dollars alone but by every word of God alone.

Nov 26, 2013

All what part of All Don't I understand?

Good morning, when I awake and seek All That Is, God's presence will enlighten and I realize All That Is, All is Given and Forgiven.

All what part of All Don't I understand?

Good morning, when I awake and seek All That Is, God's presence will enlighten and I realize All That Is, All is Given and Forgiven.

All what part of All Don't I understand?

Good morning, when I awake and seek All That Is, God's presence will enlighten and I realize All That Is, All is Given and Forgiven.

All what part of All Don't I understand?

Good morning, when I awake and seek All That Is, God's presence will enlighten and I realize All That Is, All is Given and Forgiven.

Nov 25, 2013

Attitude used often

When I take the attitude of inviting God in this moment and listen to the voice of God's presence God is the supply of all that is needed.

Nov 24, 2013

Practice The Three Dont's

Practice the art of no complaining, no criticizing, no condemning, then realize how the inner world of peace would be great place to live.

Prayer works

When I pray for myself it works when the prayer is asked for the benefit of others, unselfish requests is useful toward others.


Fear based decisions leads to more fear, ask God to remove fear to be in His will and be free of fear.

Nov 23, 2013

Three turns into One

Seek Being with asking God to Be who I truly am, this Knowledge Inspires the Experience. The cycle of purpose!

Be like

Passion is Being, turned into Action, but without Expectation the Need for a particular Results, that is Freedom, with God like God.

Faithfulness part of me

I am inspired, I am unstoppable... Be inspired, be unstoppable...

Move from fighting your way which collides..

I am inspired, I am unstoppable... Be inspired, be unstoppable...

Going forward always has challenges

Every journey forward has obstacles, bumps, but there is journey which is inward, the inspiration will be steps more effort less.. go in.

Nov 22, 2013

Don't take no for an answer

Fast week/Furious week, I feel like the Chiefs, there is always mistakes on the path of greatness, don't mess with loss as the final answer.

They may be above me

Problems don't cease neither does the problem solver, they may be above me but the problems are under the feet of God..

Nov 21, 2013

Love the what is truly wanted the most and it will be drawn like a magnet, love minus guilt is freedom..

When God is the target I can not fail

I am a creator of my reality, the Source is guiding me when I turn and ask, my target of God I can not fail because he is the Great Reality.

Nov 20, 2013

The challenge

Right here and right now that mountain is moving by faith God will and is and will again change me, move me God.

Stay in the Pre Sent PRESENT Now

Be excited, eager, in the moment, this day right where I am suppose to be, this gift called the present, calling forth the deepest desire.

Nov 19, 2013

Awakening of the Spirit

Good awakening that there is only one way to go, and that's up, raise the consciousness this 24 hrs events and experiences for opportunity.

Nov 18, 2013

Carry the vision of God's will

Everyday is a day to carry the senses of God's will in every activity alignment of my will with God's.

Morning Meditation Prayer

To be useful and helpful.

Every morning asking God for guide my experience in being composed, mature, balanced, sound, strength the many aspects of patience.

Nov 17, 2013

Change is not dependent on others

To become change, the truth is that it depends on no one changing around me but the change of self within me, it's internal not external.

Aim and experience

Right now examine, study, favor ones aim, what am I inviting? Be come awakened and with asking as a practice, the answers truly come.

Nov 16, 2013

All events and experiences are opportunities

Each event and experience is given to raise the consciousness to the oneness which I really am, consciousness raising is why I am here...

Nov 15, 2013

Do what is of pleasure

Set aside one hour today to do something you thoroughly enjoy.  It doesn’t matter what it is whether it’s a walk in the woods, reading a good book, or creating a delicious meal 

Choose Abundance

I choose abundance as centering thought of attention and intention..

Nov 14, 2013

Turn toward the Source of the Solution rather than the problem

When facing some trouble, I can face it more smoothly when its not my best thinking trying to fix it, but facing God who can solve it better.


You me we are perfect just the way we are...we are all ...One..

Connect Deeply

Being grateful, opens the door to power, wisdom, and creativity by connecting deep with pure consciousness we usher anything we can envision

Gratitude for Abundance

we come to understand that the entire universe presents itself to us and is ours to enjoy.

In order for us to truly experience everything the world has to offer, we must first come to appreciate all that we already have. By being truly grateful, we open the door to all the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe, connecting ever more deeply with pure consciousness and its ability to usher anything we can envision into our lives.

Be Mindful of Abundance not lack


Today, no matter where you are or what you are doing, take notice of the abundance that surrounds you. Abundance may appear as a loose penny in the parking lot, a warm hug from a friend, or a plentiful display of produce at the supermarket. Consider how effortlessly and easily these gifts and signs of abundance showed up in your experience and give yourself permission to feel authentic gratitude for these blessings. You will be surprised and delighted by the multitude of gifts that continue to appear throughout your day and for days to come.

Be Mindful and Stop Competing


Today, no matter where you are or what you are doing, take notice of the abundance that surrounds you. Abundance may appear as a loose penny in the parking lot, a warm hug from a friend, or a plentiful display of produce at the supermarket. Consider how effortlessly and easily these gifts and signs of abundance showed up in your experience and give yourself permission to feel authentic gratitude for these blessings. You will be surprised and delighted by the multitude of gifts that continue to appear throughout your day and for days to come.

Nov 13, 2013

Facing life with life

Every moment of now, get close to God, use my attention and this intention and life is faced more successfully.


Today, make the decision to practice defenselessness. Each time you find yourself involved in a discussion in which you feel compelled to take one side over another or express your opinion in order to sway that of another person, instead, gently let go of the need to defend your point of view. Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance in other ways throughout your day. Witness how effortlessly your day unfolds as you practice letting go and accept things just as they are.

I believe God wants you to know..


...that morning comes every day; the sunrise does not
fail, nor the sunset.
Give it time. That is all that may be required. Just give
it time. Do not try to push the river. The cycles of life
present themselves, play themselves out, and make
smooth every passage and terrain.
Try not to get caught up in your story of the moment.
Look, rather, to the Long Story. Therein will be
found your peace. The cycles will redeem this
moment, if you let them, and even this shall pass.

Nov 12, 2013

Be out of my mind

I must be out of my mind to find God through soul searching, to come back home to God within the soul.

Attitude that works

There is a way of living which has no struggle, no fighting, when I have an attitude which works, "seek the One that runs the whole show."

Nov 11, 2013

Staying Connected

Like all devices on a system network, am I staying connected to the Spirit of The Universe, the evidence will show?


Use Prayer and Meditation to Turn my will to God's Will for Power through out the day my will, will be guided to His with His Power not mine.

Nov 10, 2013

The meaning of a Team

" Those who have a truly holy union will know that their union is a three-way union, that their team consists of each other and of God, and that this is The Only Team There Is."

What is it for?

"Humans will see marriage as a truly Holy Communion, a union between two loving people lasting as long as both choose to be united, not a union that is required by God to be everlasting, for better or for worse. Humans will understand that the success of a marriage is measured by what has been given and received, understood and remembered, shared and healed, and by what growth has been produced."

Allow Power to Flow

Bring forth what is Deep and Effective Within, failing to turn and accessing Real Power is devastating.

Nov 9, 2013

Turning is shifting

Get close to the One with All Power, and he will guide my next step to be, and give me whatever is needed to handle the situation intuitively.

Nov 8, 2013

Who is running the Show

Everyday "Friday" is a day to rely not on my Power for efforts or results but God"s Power thru me and His Results of His Show.

Nov 6, 2013

Question comes before the answer

Every experience inquires a question, what am I in relation to the experience?  Then experience that answer..

Nov 5, 2013

Matching Game

God can match intentions with results, stop doubting the Power...

With this Attitude

Be willing to search fearlessly, and diligently, think honestly, sweeping away prejudice, Turning to Him with this Attitude I can not fail.

Nov 4, 2013

Give and it will be given

Give those around you the "break" that you hope the world will give you on your own "bad day" and you'll
never, ever regret it.

Perfect Imperfections

"The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go.
None of us is perfect, but allow those that we love to
be imperfect."

Needs Met

There is no human power which can provide what I need to be okay, only a Divine Power can and will when He is turned to.

Nov 3, 2013

Be quiet

When I sit quietly, rotate to God for more Power, and ask for the right steps and know the answers will come surprisingly.

Nov 2, 2013

Can't transmit what I don't have!

How can I transmit something I haven't got?
Have I asked for tender Love and patient Tolerance for myself so I can give it away?

Faith does work but where do I place it?

Turning to God works, turning away from God doesn't work. So faith without works is dead in dead.

Nov 1, 2013

Be unblocked

End the blockade with my spiritual journey, modify it, lay aside what isnt working for the God idea that does work with God I can not fail.