Apr 29, 2010

The just (guided by truth and principle) will live by faith. 3. FAITH-complete confidence; belief and trust. True faith lays hold of and claims the promised blessing before it is realized and felt.

Apr 28, 2010

In all my ideas I better be well grounded in GOD who is greater than my mind, greater than my emotions, greater than my situations, GOD is greater than my defects, so I can with GOD re-build the life I live on the inside.p

Apr 27, 2010

By submitting, surrendering to GOD I'm released from whatever power my attention, my pride, selfishness, and fear is captive to.
By submitting, surrendering to GOD I'm released from whatever power my attention, my pride, selfishness, and fear is captive to.

Apr 25, 2010

Before I was either depending or dominating others too much. Either I'm a hostage or I take hostage. Through the principles and step process am I building love, and best friendship with myself and love to others?

Apr 24, 2010

I pray that my life may be centered in GOD right now, more than in self. I pray that my thinking be directed towards doing GOD's thinking.

Apr 23, 2010

When I get in a state of restless, irratable, ungrateful on the inside, it shows on the outside with behavior, can't sit still, can't stop talking, going off on everyone, complaining about everything and everyone.. Warning, the mind wants to solve this state with ease and comfort from the outside to solve the feelings on the inside experience again, the sense of ease and comfort comes from GOD at once. Do the work, make my requestS known to GOD with constant prayer and the peace of GOD covers my mind and emotions past understanding.

Apr 22, 2010

I don't know about you but my motive is to win with GOD no matter what.

Apr 16, 2010

Biblical numbers and equations (Biblical Numerology) Interesting...

1 THE NUMBER OF UNITY. Father. Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Ephesians 4:5 "one Lord, one faith, one baptism."

2 THE NUMBER OF DIVISION. The Son who has two natures: human and divine. There are 2 Testaments: the Old and New. Man is Male and Female. Rom. 9 speaks of two vessels: one for honorable use and the other for dishonorable use. Two types of people: Sheep and Goats. There are two ages, this age and the age to come: Matt. 12:32; 13:39,40,49; Mark 10:30.

3 THE NUMBER OF DIVINE PERFECTION. The Trinity consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are three qualities of the universe: Time, Space, and Matter. To exist (except for God), all three are required. Each quality consists of three elements. Therefore, we live in a trinity of trinities.

The three qualities of universe are each three:

Time Space Matter all are three.

1.Past 2.Present 3.Future

1.Height 2.Width 3.Depth

1.Solid 2.Liquid  3.Gas

I will record more of this later...


Apr 15, 2010

Happiness is an inside work

Happiness goes  meant for me to work for my own happiness. I do co-operate for the happiness of the marriage, the family, the team, the group, the society. The production of pain, grief, and misery, agony, defeat, sadness, panic, depression, doom is also an inside job. I'm not taking any applications for... this job, I'm doing lay- offs. There are no victims, only unconscious volunteers (creators).

Apr 14, 2010

Love this article for it calls us to PEACE


E-mail Article

The Center of Peace

By Russell E. Smith


Deep inside you is a place of infinite calm where you can retreat from the cares of the world, where you can find reassurance of God's presence in your life and of God's power to bless you.

Take time to find this place. Make time, if you must, but find it. The center of peace lies in your inner self, awaiting your recognition and beckoning your entrance into its enfolding warmth and love.

How very dear this center of peace must have been to the Psalmist. "He leads me beside still waters" (Ps. 23:2). "Commune with your own hearts … and be silent" (Ps. 4:4 RSV). "I will both lie down and sleep in peace" (Ps. 4:8). These words stand as eternal testimony of the calm in which all of us are centered.

In this place of stillness, inharmony ceases, sadness is wiped away, and hatred is turned into love. Here, in this quiet place within, God assures us: Peace, My child. I am forever with you.

How do we enter this center of peace? How do we find the still waters within?

Jesus said that "the kingdom of God is in the midst of you" (Lk. 17:21 RSV). We do not find our peace in the things of the world around us. We find it only within, in the centermost part of our own inner selves. Looking outside of ourselves is looking in vain. Only within is there peace or hope of peace.

When we find the center of peace within, we find power. We find strength for the activities of the day. We find renewal of our bodies and minds. We find substance for our daily bread. There, in the stillness, is where the blessings of God begin, for there in the stillness is God, the giver of all good gifts.

Where is the source of the power that lights your electric light? Is it in the filament that glows when you press the switch? No, the source is not in the lightbulb. Neither is it in the switch nor in the power line.

Follow the power line. Do you find the source of the power in the transformers? No, it is not there. Do you find it in the huge turbines at the base of the dam? No, it is not there either.

Is it in the falling water that rushes over the spillways of the dam and drives the giant turbines? No, not even in the rushing water.

The rushing water, the turbines, the transformers, the power lines, the switch, and the lightbulb all give evidence of power expended. But where is the power? What is it that causes all the electrical activity, from the dam to your lightbulb, which brightens up your room at night as though it were high noon?

Behind the dam is a vast lake of still waters. Here, in the stillness of the depths of this lake, is the power. Only in stillness is there power.

In the peace and calm of your inner self is power. As you enter the stillness of your soul for a time each day, you find all the power you need to renew yourself for the activities that lie before you. Follow that power line to its source. Move inwardly in your consciousness to the stillness at the center of your being.

Push the switch that turns off your attention to the things of your outer world. Go in, over the power lines of concern for daily situations, and leave them behind. Pass through the transformer of your thinking mind that turns God-ideas into human pursuits, and put it behind you. Go past the great dam and turbines of your feeling nature, where the waters begin to flood into consciousness as thought and feeling. There you find the still waters of the Psalmist.

You have found the infinite calm, the center of peace.

Here you commune with your Lord. Here you are renewed for the tasks of living that lie ahead of you. Here you find your daily sustenance and substance. Here you are replenished in the power of God. Here you are assured that every need is being met.

Once you have found this place of infinite calm within you, trust, as the sheep trusts the shepherd. Your need is God's assurance of fulfillment. When you have communed with God beside the still waters, go knowingly into life, trusting in the eternal promises of God.

You are a child of God, and God is your Creator. Trust in God's love for you.

Go often to the center of peace within.

Trust. Be at peace.

Apr 12, 2010

Living good within requires commited daily effort and empowerment.

The impressive, outstanding powers of the mind have been used improperly and I received the results of those choices constantly attracting my mind after physical things, external things for entertainment, leisure or pleasure seeking. 

After a period of time the mind and emotions are reduced to always seeking nothing but external things like a (filter or funnel) that is superficial or top surface.

Which means there is no depth for true advancement for myself or really no one in society.

Selfish seeking becomes the 1st and 2nd nature when all you think about is how I can feel good through external means, not once going inward to who GOD is or to please him, or to help anyone.

Educate, train, treat, exert energy in studying things that will inspire the mind and emotions.

Some will be inspired or motivated or even desparate to go spiritual when their lives depend upon it.

I'm grateful for the experiences I've received that continually call me to think better, feel better, live better spiritually for this is the best way for me.

Apr 11, 2010

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Apr 10, 2010

Pray Without Ceasing

This is not just praying to GOD but follow the prayer with thought, word and deed with the LOVE of GOD.

"Pray without ceasing."—1 Thessalonians 5:17.


Apr 9, 2010

Pray without Ceasing - my thoughts, emotions, my conversations be prayers

Loving is praying. If I seek in prayer the good of my fellow creature, and then go and try to promote it, I am practically praying for his good in my actions.

Apr 8, 2010

Paying attention to my feelings is my job. So I pay attention to what helps!

When you find out your condition, the explanation allows one to make a good decisions for better experiences.

Deliberately choose thoughts that will produce the effect of feelings which will benefit self.

In contrast my history has lots of evidence to persuade me to seek and do better.

The mind needs deep thoughts to exercise with constant feeding it with good healthy information like facts, truth, healing, spirituality, emotional health, for physiology(physical body), financial information.

Anything that elevates, upgrade, uplifting, motivational, inspirational my mind is train to attract now so Heaven / Universe knows I need to rise up.

Nothing should separate me from the Attraction to the Treasure of GOD on the inside, his presence allows everything else to operate and because of contrast I know not to go back there to separate from this love, this elation..

So what GOD has put together coupled with my effort let nothing separate me from the good life on the inside.

Apr 7, 2010

Answer the door of emotions within- Someone very important is at the door

My calling is a process of becoming more, improving my thinking, my emotions, my behavior, my spirtuality, my physical, and my finances.

As I acknowledge GOD always for his glory because I have been created by him for him, expand the known universe of his goodness within my life experiences.

Emotion - very important gauges of thought, speaking, or behavior(actions)

Whatever I do or say that is not in harmony with who I really am and what I want, my Inner being will offer a negative (lower level) emotion.
In like manner, when I speak, think, or act (behave) in the direction of that which is in harmony with my intentions, my Inner Being will offer me a positive (higher level) emotion.

Sort of like when playing the game, hide and seek, hot or cold to indicate I'm closer or warmer or too far away from the goal..

Apr 6, 2010

I love music, enjoy percussions (drums)

I beat my drum, and the Universe will respond to the drum that I am beating…

There are as many different worlds being lived by as many different perceivers of the world as there are perceivers of the worlds.

My work is to let those things I do not want to produce within me the clarity of what I do want.

Then, like a magnet, my world becomes a world that only has access to those things I have determined are the things I want to be.

I am intentionally, deliberately, purposefully, prayerfully, meditationally controlling and creating my own reality.

Spiritual Conversation
The bible says knock and the door will open..
Knocking makes a vibration, but you don't just knock once for anything you keep knocking, use repetition.

Can you do it?

Will you do it? Will you allow Christ to use you today, to share the love of God?

Share God with someone today, by giving out love…God is love and Jesus is life. Don’t be selfish, be selfless!

Take the focus off of yourself today, and decide to sow love into the lives of others. Can you do it? All you have to do is take the focus off of you, and put the focus on others.

Text a scripture to someone who is hurting. Send a card to someone who is lonely. Encourage someone who’s been discouraged. Love someone who appears to be unlovable.

There he is sitting outside of the shelter in Detroit; walking down the street in Southfield; standing outside of your office building, in Bloomfield Hills. There she is, walking the streets of Birmingham, with her two children, after being beaten by her boyfriend. There he is, on his way to school, to get his only meal of the day, because his mother is on the street and his father is dead. There she is, looking for a guy to love her because she has been on the street since she was 12, and now she is 15 and pregnant.

There he is asking for food; she is reaching her hand out for a quarter; they are dirty and lost; in bondage and in darkness. They are asking for things; perhaps using some drugs; maybe addicted to alcohol……but they are all looking for love.

Will you give a smile and a prayer to someone you see on the street? Will you give a kind word or share an act of love with someone today? Will you stop and take a moment to give someone hope; to show someone love; to offer someone a drink of Living Water, and the Bread of Life? Look around you today….everywhere you go, there is a ministering opportunity. Everyone is looking for love.

If you are going to the bank, love someone. Stand outside of the Department of Human services; maybe someone needs a Word. Go to the hospital and pray from someone in the emergency room.

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:…” Philippians 2:3-5

Apr 5, 2010

Neutrality State of Mind

Neutrality -Live and let Live It’s flexible, relaxed, and unattached.
Whatever happens, you roll with the punches. You don’t have anything to prove.

Apr 3, 2010

Such a habit of prayer when formed will not be a burden but a resource, then I'm open to recieve GOD's thinking.

Apr 2, 2010

No one ever fell away from GOD and their happiness until given up the habit of private prayer.

Apr 1, 2010

Can't serve two masters, being negative and positive, being part of the problem and the solution..
The highway in the divine life is a process of progress for the endless journey.