Be inspired intuitively to go further than the limited reasoning's of the mind to access the unlimited world of the spirit.
Dec 31, 2010
Dec 30, 2010
Dec 29, 2010
Dec 28, 2010
Dec 27, 2010
Dec 26, 2010
It is not attention to lack of wellness that makes you sick. It is attention to the lack of many things Chronic attention to unwanted things holds you in a place of disallowing your physical well-being, as well as disallowing the solutions to other things you are focused upon. If you would focus your attention upon the experience of physical well-being as much as you focus upon the absence of it, not only would your recovery come quickly, but maintaining your physical well-being and balance would also be easy.
Dec 25, 2010
Dec 24, 2010
Dec 23, 2010
Dec 22, 2010
Dec 21, 2010
Dec 20, 2010
Dec 19, 2010
Dec 18, 2010
Directions for Newcomers 1. Blank Page 2. Triangle/Circle 3. Dr Opinion Step One - Problem through How it Works Directions for those already in the Work, who need a thorough Step Study 1. Prayer 2. Blank Page 3. Circle/Triangle 4. Page 42-43 Bottom of Paragraph/Quite is important/Fred Story - Close out Step One 5. Page 52 Unmanageability 6. Page 53 GOD is Everything 7. Page 55 Where GOD is 8. Page 56-57 Agnostic Close Out 9. Page 58 How it Works Darrel Green 760-536-6024 iPhone or 760-481-5870 HTC Sense
Dec 17, 2010
Dec 16, 2010
Dec 15, 2010
Dec 13, 2010
Dec 10, 2010
Dec 9, 2010
Dec 7, 2010
Dec 5, 2010
Dec 2, 2010
Nov 24, 2010
Approach what is yours
Get near your hope, your prosperity, your well-being, your grace, continual help in abundance, always look for the gifts thats available and it will appear.
Nov 17, 2010
Some Thoughts To Meditate Upon
- The universe's and galaxies communities are wide enough and spacious enough for all egos and there is enough interests for all to find what is worth appreciation. My job is to stay focus on what is satisfactory for me this keeps me in such a space that is so pleasing I have no time or space or reality for what is unwanted.
- The mind given by divine creation. The choice is mine to keep adjusting thoughts to receive feelings of satisfaction worthy of appreciation.
- Pay attention on what is the best pleasing thoughts which work for the advantage and with ones own focus begin moving in the direction which brings about the best gain. This is our witness and testimony that mountains move, water can be walked I can do all those things beyond what they say I can't through him who say I can!
- United to who-I-am as a spiritual being I can call forth whatever I want and it will be so, nothing is impossible when connected.
- Reach higher with the mind by faith then my perspective raises my perception then my ideas, then my beliefs, my behavior improves then my experience and feelings get better and finally my reality shifts.
- When the stretching of my thinking begins, everything else within me must line up in order!
- Actions inspired out of an attitude of want or desire generates a feeling of freedom that there are choices. This is a different conversation than an attitude motivated by I need to do something which produces resentment from a lack of choices!
- Begin visualizing my connection to GOD and appreciate what is true and love the one who supplies love to energize all that I think, say, do and feel.
- Everyday the unlimited grace of GOD gives us power of thought to organize whatever we conjure up to be created by our own freedom of choice to add or adjust our own reality.
- Take my thinking below the obvious to be appreciative as powerful choice in the Soul, the total of all emotions experienced in the Body.
- Happiness is when I choose thoughts that are in agreement with the GOD of all truth within my Soul, emotions are the result of my relationship with GOD. Happiness is depended upon my connection with GOD and myself.
- GOD gives sudden peace in my Soul with feelings that surpass my fears, my doubts, my worries, as I seek to receive GOD, my intellect is relaxed and I am ready for calm guidance.
- When I allow my thoughts to gently move in the direction of thoughts that feel better like appreciation, hope, peace, love and then joy. The effect is a tide of emotions in waves through my body as my connection to GOD refreshes and restores me.
- As I focus on what I want, by the borrowed powers given to divinely create in each given moment. GOD has given a perfect system to help my divine nature to divinely create as a cooperative creator by my attention mentally, visually, verbally, emotionally, and through my behaviors.
- A connected creator that connects to all things that is interconnected when I align my attention to what I want, taking thought beyond what is ordinary!
- Capture each moment by faith and visualize your help never stops helping, so I can create the best moments of now. Take each thought calmly to an idea as each improves till there are streams of beliefs that feels good, now you are thinking on point with GOD and seeing as GOD sees now experience the moments with GOD.
- This Eternal Communion with GOD and Myself is a Holy Companionship a Sacred Cooperation which I am inspired to reunite with GOD for Now and for Future Now.
- GOD has the most perfect cosmic system installed in place that will help bring to all who pays attention to any subject for a time, will become Genius to (It).
- My connected relationship with GOD and Myself take constant focus that none can give me but my faith-work, so I can recieve Supreme Knowing with Deep Understanding joined by Endless Compassion hugged by Complete Awareness with Absolute Fulfillment for this process begins with Me and GOD and ends by Action.
- When my feelings are positive or feeling good I am connected to a powerful GOD supplying me usefulness to myself and others.
- Everyday is given so that I can volunteer to grow every part of me and outside of me by gravitating, slowly moving to things that will satisfy me more. This is my attitude of choice.
Nov 16, 2010
Calibration to Source/GOD/Expanded Self
- Seek to advance ones best thoughts to GOD/SOURCE/EXPANDED SELF which is our employment, my job is to offer the best thinking, this will allow me to receive the best emotions.
- I'm hired and on the clock and get a daily pay check in emotional dividends and experiences that I want and those I don't want depending on what my focus is.
- Find connection to the Expanded Version of Self with an arrangement of delicious thoughts, because I'm a vibrational transmitter, I connect to objects, subjects, people, places, things, events and my emotional guidance system offers responses to my thoughts with more and more of what I'm broadcasting.
- I'm clocked in to adjust each thought, revise each thought to get the best emotional stimulus.
- How this works, well, simply put thoughts and emotions arevibrational, frequencies, sort of like electricity, and the quality of these are transmitted from GOD within, Expanded Self, Source which sends what I think about to the Universe which finds matching electricity and transmits back to me as my answer.
- So I'm constantly sending and receiving as a wifi router, or hotspot, or modem, internally within the body by the mind, the words, the emotions and actions all transmit electricity, transmit like a signal of what we want or don't want, and our Expanded Part of Us we call GOD or Source is taking the equal portion and shooting rockets to the Universe for more of what we want so we can always have our support of what we desire or don't desire depending on our point of attraction.
- So this order is GOD/SOURCE/EXPANDED SELF is our first connection, our first priority for who our ego, our eternal personality is which always is enhancing, growing, expanding our consciousness in our physical reality, our spiritual reality, our vibrational reality.
- We make the arrangements, we are responsible for revising, editing for the best results, we are responsible for what offer and what we receive we are always in control, the illusion the false premise is that we are not in control.
- So make the agreement of who we are with the best ideas, best thoughts, which is easy because GOD within already knows, our SOURCE already knows, our EXPANDED Version of Self already knows who we are and what we want before we offer it and always is making sure we get what we want or what we don't want so align with who we are, the best of who we are.
- Each person has a portion of GOD, a portion of Source a built in Super Ego part human and part divine and it's our job to calibrate with our best super part of self.
- The best way to know if your calibrating with this powerful part of us is how we feel, if we feel great, feel joy, feel truly wonderful we are on point, we are in alignment, we are calibrated perfectly matching the non-physically part of us.
Nov 14, 2010
Feeds of Perspectives
Torrent Quality Aspects
Find Positive Parts of Ones Life. Each positive aspect will appear. Keep focusing upon positive and more positive will reveal itself. The more you focus the more new areas will show themselves. Keep seeking positive and the and the Universe will feed you positive data to support ones reality and eventually inspiration will develop for action upon more positive aspects to develop. No time for negative thinking or negative conversation when positive energy shows up in owns evidences and ones reality.
Feeds for my Reality
Download what you prefer. The life we live is one that is dependent upon our choices in what we select as our attitudes we broadcast. There are powerful laws that respond to our dominant thoughts which are our attitudes and moods which are vibrational in nature. Vision ourselves with the ability to be browsers which query torrents of any variety to download whatever we want. Like matrix movie which can download any program for minds to have skill for productivity. The Universe powered by GOD's laws gives us whatever our conscious choices are, whatever we conceive desired or undesired it can be fed to us like electronic rss feeds or funnels of data to support our thought processes. We are born to create what we choose and GOD has equipped everything inside you and me and outside you and me to have exactly what we desire. The purpose we can achieve is efficiency at our focus or download and use of the information given to us to make a desert existance into an oasis based upon our choices mentally, verbally, emotionally, actions which work in harmony to what is ones focus.
Find Positive Parts of Ones Life. Each positive aspect will appear. Keep focusing upon positive and more positive will reveal itself. The more you focus the more new areas will show themselves. Keep seeking positive and the and the Universe will feed you positive data to support ones reality and eventually inspiration will develop for action upon more positive aspects to develop. No time for negative thinking or negative conversation when positive energy shows up in owns evidences and ones reality.
Feeds for my Reality
Download what you prefer. The life we live is one that is dependent upon our choices in what we select as our attitudes we broadcast. There are powerful laws that respond to our dominant thoughts which are our attitudes and moods which are vibrational in nature. Vision ourselves with the ability to be browsers which query torrents of any variety to download whatever we want. Like matrix movie which can download any program for minds to have skill for productivity. The Universe powered by GOD's laws gives us whatever our conscious choices are, whatever we conceive desired or undesired it can be fed to us like electronic rss feeds or funnels of data to support our thought processes. We are born to create what we choose and GOD has equipped everything inside you and me and outside you and me to have exactly what we desire. The purpose we can achieve is efficiency at our focus or download and use of the information given to us to make a desert existance into an oasis based upon our choices mentally, verbally, emotionally, actions which work in harmony to what is ones focus.
Nov 3, 2010
Be Original
What I enjoy about preaching is that no two messengers are a like, for they are unique messages for people. All Old Testament Preachers, Prophets, Kings which represented GOD were never identical so are the New Testament Speakers and Writers.
Each person is responsible for interpreting what GOD is saying to you so that you can share with others.
That's why we need not copy another but simply duplicate the access to GOD and get results from our own work and creation with GOD.
Nov 1, 2010
Emotional Indicators for Vortex Heading
Positive Emotions (Light Energy)
- Enlightenment
- Inspiration
- Knowledge
- Empowerment
- Freedom
- Appreciation
- Peace
2 Passion
3 Enthusiasm
3 Enthusiasm
- Eagerness
- Happiness
4 Positive Expectation
- Belief
5 Optimism
6 Hopefulness <-- Get Here For to Lift Off -->
7 Contentment
Negative Emotions (Dark Energy)
8 Boredom
9 Pessimism
10 Frustration / Irritation / Impatience
11 Overwhelment
12 Disappointment
13 Doubt
14 Worry
15 Blame
16 Discouragement
17 Anger
18 Revenge
19 Hatred/Rage
20 Jealousy
21 Insecurity /Guilt Unworthiness
22 Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair
To get to the top all one has to do is to listen and feel the vibration of ones emotions toward any thought that is conceived.
Feel the thought if it feels wonderful, allow it to feel better and better, keep allowing the thoughts to come to fuel the emotions till it gets better and better.
Feelings are our indicator of where we are and where we are going.
Look at this list and discover where you are emotionally if it's a good feeling place or not.
Decide to select thoughts, create thoughts that will bring about the best suited feeling.
This is our Emotional Guidance Working In Our Favor so that we can go to a good place I like to call the Spinning Vortex of All that Is within you already; the real you, the incremental you.
All the cooperative components of who I want to be is in my Vortex of creativity.
All that I will become and I all that I have become is in my Vortex.
No I can't see it physically but I visualize it mentally, and I can feel it emotionally.
How does one feel when you think thoughts that are positive if you say they feel great you are near or in the Vortex.
Vortex is like a heaven that is felt on the inside.
9 Pessimism
10 Frustration / Irritation / Impatience
11 Overwhelment
12 Disappointment
13 Doubt
14 Worry
15 Blame
16 Discouragement
17 Anger
18 Revenge
19 Hatred/Rage
20 Jealousy
21 Insecurity /Guilt Unworthiness
22 Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair
To get to the top all one has to do is to listen and feel the vibration of ones emotions toward any thought that is conceived.
Feel the thought if it feels wonderful, allow it to feel better and better, keep allowing the thoughts to come to fuel the emotions till it gets better and better.
Feelings are our indicator of where we are and where we are going.
Look at this list and discover where you are emotionally if it's a good feeling place or not.
Decide to select thoughts, create thoughts that will bring about the best suited feeling.
This is our Emotional Guidance Working In Our Favor so that we can go to a good place I like to call the Spinning Vortex of All that Is within you already; the real you, the incremental you.
All the cooperative components of who I want to be is in my Vortex of creativity.
All that I will become and I all that I have become is in my Vortex.
No I can't see it physically but I visualize it mentally, and I can feel it emotionally.
How does one feel when you think thoughts that are positive if you say they feel great you are near or in the Vortex.
Vortex is like a heaven that is felt on the inside.
Oct 31, 2010
Gratitude Frequency
Being grateful is a choice of the inner most being part of us, some call it the soul, others call it the heart, still others call it GOD part.
It's not important on the name of the part of us that transmits gratitude what is important is the effect upon the mind to imagine areas of gratitude and points to agree with thoughts and if you choose written or verbal words of gratitude.
One will gain energy when one gathers the areas of appreciation and then radiate that internally and see how the emotional energy, mental energy rises.
Gratitude is a healing virtue!
It's not important on the name of the part of us that transmits gratitude what is important is the effect upon the mind to imagine areas of gratitude and points to agree with thoughts and if you choose written or verbal words of gratitude.
One will gain energy when one gathers the areas of appreciation and then radiate that internally and see how the emotional energy, mental energy rises.
Gratitude is a healing virtue!
Oct 30, 2010
Beating the drum
There is a beat that can be musically satisfying because of your own preferences; ones own tastes, ones own personality, ones own experiences, ones own feelings, ones own thoughts.
Be careful of the power of the drum, when you beat the drum of negative thoughts, it produces negative words, negative moods, negative body languages as well.
This negative beat is addictive and if not careful you can remain in negative pockets of misery.
Instead consider what is wanted and decide and commit to beat positive beats of thoughts that are positive aspects about everything you can think of, this will give positive beats of the emotions and more positive experiences will be attracted to you.
So beat positive and the music will be so divine and sublime.
Oct 26, 2010
Discernment of GOD or Other
When the Thought Is The Highest Thought ---- It is JOY
When the Feeling is the Most Important, the Grandest ---- It is LOVE
When the Words are the Most Clearest ----- It is TRUTH
This is GOD
When the Feeling is the Most Important, the Grandest ---- It is LOVE
When the Words are the Most Clearest ----- It is TRUTH
This is GOD
Oct 24, 2010
Prayers are words that express what is our highest intention
Written words, spoken words, thoughts projected, actions are the sum of emotional transmissions that is directed, aligned to form a vibration or signal of the whole person that the GOD who designed Us to be like GOD and the Universe will respond to this powerful signal and deliver whatever is our desire to us quickly or slowly depending on our intensity of focus and alignment.
Know that we are powerful creators of our own reality, creators of our own experiences, we are more than in control; ancient writers mention this as more than conquerors, overcomer's, with the essence of our Creator there is no limit to what we can think, speak, do, and feel.
Know that we are powerful creators of our own reality, creators of our own experiences, we are more than in control; ancient writers mention this as more than conquerors, overcomer's, with the essence of our Creator there is no limit to what we can think, speak, do, and feel.
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Oct 16, 2010
Shifting Mental Gears
Shift the mind, shift the behavior, shift the experience, shift the reality, now perceive your new section of ones personality.
Oct 15, 2010
Religion vs Spiritual
Religion is an acceptance of others spiritual experiences with their faith.
Spiritual is an acceptance of ones own spiritual experience.
Religion is knowing what others say about GOD.
Spiritual is knowing about GOD personally.
Religion is knowing GOD
Spiritual is knowing Self
Religion is wanting GOD to do something
Spiritual is wanting Self to do something
Spiritual is an acceptance of ones own spiritual experience.
Religion is knowing what others say about GOD.
Spiritual is knowing about GOD personally.
Religion is knowing GOD
Spiritual is knowing Self
Religion is wanting GOD to do something
Spiritual is wanting Self to do something
Oct 14, 2010
Stop Fighting
Stop resisting, by starting to allow the good that GOD has stored up from all prayer requests and rockets of desires which are always acknowledged and answered.
Move the mind to allow the inspiration of assurance that ones desire is met, don't struggle just relax and know that you know that the answer is here always will be available.
Login for access, and process visually, mentally, virtually the way, the style is truly personal.
When the fight is over the peace can rush in and equalize the emotional state, as ancient writings call peace be still and know GOD is everything.
Oct 12, 2010
Seek To See, Think Abundance Instead Of Absence
There is a feeling that is received when the thoughts are continually toward abundance instead of what is missing.
Thinking about, or looking and acting like there is lack of this and that, there will be so much evidence to keep supporting this reality and the loop will never end.
Our thoughts, our senses and our actions all are driven by our reality.
The universe will stream the attraction of abundance or lack and the feelings thy associate with thinking, seeing an acting as the reality that one has plenty will be so much delicious emotions that one will choose this principle over the opposite principle of lack.
Thinking about, or looking and acting like there is lack of this and that, there will be so much evidence to keep supporting this reality and the loop will never end.
Our thoughts, our senses and our actions all are driven by our reality.
The universe will stream the attraction of abundance or lack and the feelings thy associate with thinking, seeing an acting as the reality that one has plenty will be so much delicious emotions that one will choose this principle over the opposite principle of lack.
Oct 11, 2010
Oct 9, 2010
Whatever our Attraction to; the Universe will give us more of the same.
Our universe (made by GOD) responds to the strength and energy that we radiate from our thoughts(prayers, requests, desires, thought conversation).
As we raise the intensity, the seriousness, the passion, the enlightenment, the inspiration of thoughts will attract more and more and these feed the emotions which responds with a tidal wave of positive on fire like emotions.
Just know this has nothing to do with a movie, a mate, kids, cars, it all has something to do with our thoughts about a movie, a mate, kids, cars, sex or whatever the conversation(subject) is about.
Our thoughts about this and our emotional response gives electric currents that it is either on point or missing the mark.
As we raise the intensity, the seriousness, the passion, the enlightenment, the inspiration of thoughts will attract more and more and these feed the emotions which responds with a tidal wave of positive on fire like emotions.
Just know this has nothing to do with a movie, a mate, kids, cars, it all has something to do with our thoughts about a movie, a mate, kids, cars, sex or whatever the conversation(subject) is about.
Our thoughts about this and our emotional response gives electric currents that it is either on point or missing the mark.
Oct 8, 2010
Three Steps To Obtaining and Becoming
1. Commit To Developing Intensity in Praying, Asking, Desiring, with Concentrated Thoughts, Words, and Actions with Unity of All Three.
2. Answers Created by SOURCE of Everything delivered by
Powerful Universal Delivery System (LAWS)
3. Constant Mental-Visual Step by Step Processing The Answers
2. Answers Created by SOURCE of Everything delivered by
Powerful Universal Delivery System (LAWS)
3. Constant Mental-Visual Step by Step Processing The Answers
Oct 7, 2010
Three Steps
3 Universal Steps For Creating
1. (Our Job) Consistent Offering Ones Thoughts for what is wanted or Constant Asking for Improvements
2. (Not Our Job) All Thoughts, All Words, All Emotional
Requests Are Answered With Energy To Be, To Have, To Do
From the SOURCE of Everything
(GOD of many names is (Able), Universe of Laws (Can Deliver whatever is desired)
3. (Our Job) Constant (Mental-Faith) Visualizing Ones Steps to Receive Each Desire
What I Desire To Be (Innermost Emotions)
How I Design (Ideas of Thinking)
Whatever I Can Do (Body of Senses)
How I Design (Ideas of Thinking)
Whatever I Can Do (Body of Senses)
Connect, Access, Position Oneself to Receive
Receive like a hub for stimulated content for emotional, mental, and physical satisfaction
There are larger bodies that align themselves to function, and so can smaller masses like us.
Oct 3, 2010
JOY The Fireworks Explosions that changes the elements everywhere.
Pivot to the best thoughts for the best experiences.
When the thoughts seek and attract better thoughts, there is a explosion of truth in the form of feeling is achieved.
Some call it awakening, some call it personality change, it doesn't matter the name, what matters is the experience from the movement of ones thoughts to better and better thoughts or ideas till new perspectives and emotions are the outcome.
After I become conscious my outlook toward all things is revised I have been recreated inwardly. All things become new from the inside, my job is to nurture my outlook all ways, to stay renewed.
Feeling Lost
Feeling Empty
First of all the feelings we all have are designed for guidance to enjoyment.
When we don't feel good for whatever our thinking gravitates to, we can stay or keep moving to a better feeling.
When a subject of GOD or religion or anything that is not seen but an idea, our job is to fine tune the idea till the thought feels better not worse.
What happens to some of us who don't seem to feel like there is a place on earth, in our communities of believers toward any deity, we began to ignore the feeling, ignore the subject, ignore the thought of whatever we feel discomfort from.
Some responses are to speak more about the subject as to push it out of our conscious, but the results are the same or worse.
Some responses are to push it away from us by thinking of something better, but this thought, experience, and feeling now is a memory that will never be erased.
All things we experience require our attention to review for clarity, to discover what is wanted from what is unwanted.
We all live in a huge variety of choices in all flavors, shapes, sizes, cost, color, speeds, interests and the lists can go on and on.
We are in a world of abundance and our job is to find what feels good for us to live with a constant supply of awesome emotions.
When we are in this mode of discovery for ourselves, it is a pleasant job and we will find ourselves at peace and love, and freedom and appreciation.
What we label it, is not as important as the experience that is better in how we feel in the experience.
So find that sweet spot of good feeling in all that we choose this is a peace that is truly an opportunity for all of us.
Oct 2, 2010
Spiritual Allergy
Oct 1, 2010
Love and Fear Work Together
There are two powerful polarized forces throughout the Universes. These opposite energies rotate constantly which like magnetic fields draws upon all subjects and users of these energies.
Emotions are Parent-Child Relativity
There are ranges or degrees of positive emotions of love: empowerment, freedom, appreciation, peace, joy, enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness.
The opposite of negative emotions are the feelings which are of fear: grief, depression, despair, anger, discouragement.
Our job as human beings is to select the best feeling thoughts for the state of being in all that we experience, we accrue feelings from these two polarities, either fear or love.
Meditate for a moment becomes a lifestyle
When we take the time to calm the body, by calming the mind, by listening to the inner most part of our being, the calling is for more by a better technique, a better mindset, a better emotional state.
We can be motivated at first by a need for what is missing, this discipline of meditation can be called by many names, absorbed thought, stillness, quiet time, no matter what name we call it the objective is still based on principle.
The principle of unifying the mind, the emotion, the body this art form is a oneness, and it is delicious in the practice and the lifestyle of meditational harmonizing oneself.
Sep 30, 2010
GOD is. ... (Fill in the space) GOD is whatever you and I want GOD to be.
GOD doesn't get hurt, or upset, GOD is not defective, never disappointed, GOD is free to be what we want, or don't want, GOD is and GOD is not.
GOD is with many names, and no name.
So is life, events, situations, circumstances, people, whatever we describe is our reality. Our reality can be altered, our living our life in what we perceive, what we think, what we do can be changed.
The Infrastructure Within
My Soul, or Spirit, or Heart, or Inner Being or GOD who activates my Emotional Source Energy Department of my Being plays feelings like music that I love, announcing to the Mind, the Body and the Universe what feels good or what feels not so good base upon my thinking.
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