Jul 28, 2009


Let's look at the word Faith in the bible, for here you will see how to accurately use this word.
I use various bible versions for my study please feel free to use what works for you but make sure it's words that you can look up the meanings and by all means pray before you do a study of GOD's word to invite his inspiration upon your heart and mind.
Heb 11:1 The Message Bible
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see.
Heb 11:1 Amplified Bible
NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
Did you get something from these two scriptures?
GOD is so fair and right, and good. He has given each of us the ability to make choices, we have free will.
In this country the Bill of rights has an amendment that says we have the freedom of religion, so we can choose any religion we want, in addition we can choose to have no religion or to have faith in GOD, it's our human right and our American right.
Let's keep moving, so you want to have faith?
Jude 1:20 Amplified Bible
Build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [ make progress, rise like an building higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit; (which means pray with GOD's power.)
Heb 11:6 Says: THE MESSAGE
It's impossible to pleaseGod apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond tothose who seek him.
Did you get the point from these two scriptures?
Next time I will post more about Faith from GOD's word.

Jul 23, 2009


Hello my fellow bloggers and readers, I really enjoy looking up quotes and finding great thinkers who have said some philosophical to say about life.
Don't you look for something that is fitting for your circumstance, or how you feel and think for the moment, something to give you a boost?
I like looking for inspiration and sometimes I can be drained at not finding the right words to fit me. I even have horoscopes to attempt to fill what I call a gap or emptiness of inspiration.
What I enjoy also is taking a powerful thought and updating it to more contemporary thoughts or ideas, making it more personal or using urban language.
What really turns me up and upward to move forward is going inside to get GOD which dwells on the inside by prayer, for real I have to go there in prayer, go and get him.
Get silent and pray slowly and listen after each word as I express my need for him, listen to him speak back to me as I pray to him, he gives inspiration for me.
This inspiration allows me to put something out in the atmosphere for others to be inspired to do the same thing I'm doing go to GOD for your hunger for wisdom and knowledge.
He really satisifies I mean he really does give you what you need so he inspires you and when your inspired from within you can face life successfully.

Jul 13, 2009

Shooting the breeze.

New experiences all the time, so many it's not easy to share them all, I even get writers block and I'm not a professional writer by a long shot, just one who GOD has brought out of darkness and brought into his marvelous light.
There is so many malnurished of the word of GOD and for someone to be an example of what GOD can do in a life.
The scripture says there is a labor shortage in the world his vinyard.
There will always be someone to witness to and share the good news of what GOD can do and has done.
There will always be scoffers, and doubters, resisters of the faith and truth from the bible or from a pastor or bible believer, you will face resistance.
But please don't be discourage, Jesus said he has overcome the world, have faith and love in GOD, he did, so can you and I, Jesus and GOD the Father wants you to be a overcomer.
It can get rough, sometimes tough, but don't stop talking to GOD in prayer, seek him no matter what your up against, or not up against, pray non-stop.
This is not one of those oh let me tell you what has happened, so much is happening, like your experiences, GOD has lots of evidence that says how much he loves you.
Sunshine and rain, we all have it, it's just what do we do when life shows up, when things happen contrary to our comfort zones?
I'm grateful you had a moment to come by and see what's going on with me, I'm about the Father's business, I hope and pray every week I can have something for you to chew spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and for your behavior choices.

Jul 3, 2009

Greater than me

Greater is he that is in you and me than he that is in the world.
What does that scripture mean?
GOD is the greater in me, GOD is the one greater than anything outside of you or me.
There are so many micro organisms inside the human body, and brain than the galaxies in heaven.
When GOD created you and me, he did a wonder, a awesome creation, we are his marvelous creation, we are just a little lower than the angel.
I'm writing this as encouragement of how much GOD put into creating you, to promote his love, to provoke love for him, and to educate those who consider GOD to be just in heaven.
Please note that you should be glad that GOD dwells inside of each of us, keeping every part of your body together just like he keeps the world rotating and rotating around the sun.
Jesus created you and me to have himself on the inside of you, he wants a surrendered person so he can be truly inside your heart and develop your personality and your character.
Scripture points out that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, you don't have to go to a place to get GOD.
He is within you all the time, please note if you didn't have him within you you wouldn't be alive.
Study the WORD of GOD it will tell you how important it is to keep feeding on what keeps you alive like food for the physical, you also have other systems working within you.
Don't neglect those other systems or components within your system, each neesds proper balance to keep you healthy.
Emotional, Mental, Relationship with GOD, you also need behavior or character if you would, don't forget you also need financial. There are 6 areas of your being that needs work.
I should say me in the first person, I'm learning to be fully alive and each part of my being a live needs GOD's touch to be complete lacking nothing.