Be inspired intuitively to go further than the limited reasoning's of the mind to access the unlimited world of the spirit.
May 27, 2009
Life shows up

May 21, 2009
Few better than Multitude

May 20, 2009
Have I studied for the test?

May 19, 2009
Spiritual Speculation

May 18, 2009
Another Level

May 15, 2009
Chapter 1

I didn't know how to live life though, even though I did what most new Christians did, my twenties was filled with Church meetings during the week and weekend. I remained faithful to GOD and the Church where I first heard about Jesus for almost 10 years.
I heard plenty of preaching, and teaching, and I studied the word of GOD the bible constantly. The truth was being bombed in my life, Jesus military campaign continued.
My life began to change quickly as I mentioned on my last blog. I married that girl who had a toddler and began early as a husband and a step daddy.
GOD also increased our family by giving me two more daughters so we were a young family.
I did not do a good job as a young family man so I had a divorce but I saw my two daughters regularly.
I wasn't comfortable with being by myself, I found myself with lots of women, and quickly I fell in love and GOD gave me a son.
In those twenties I went to several colleges, universities and tech schools.
My twenties also was difficult because I had such bad habit going back to my night life lifestyle to find what I thought could comfort me for having a divorce and now three children in my twenties.
The only biblical character I could relate to who had an affair and family trouble was David.
What DrUw had a problem with I didn't know I had a problem, was my lack of GOD. It wasn't GOD who was lost, I was lost. I needed more Jesus.
GOD said he began a good work in you and will finish it till Jesus Christ comes again.
May 14, 2009
Turning the page back

I was working on this two days, it took some emotional energy, some honesty and listening to GOD on it and following him.
My pride and ego has been a factor at building its defenses but through humility and humbleness brings me closer to GOD, to myself and others.
Who wants to expose mistakes and remorse of the past, but GOD wants me to give it away.
Can I give you some his story?
Grew up in the Midwest, two parent upbringing, one older brother, finished K-12, loved music, was in the band, I played the trumpet, loved dancing, loved baseball, basketball, football, riding my bike, loved the outdoors, the backyard was the woods we call it, and of course computer and console games.
My nightlife was filled with chasing girls, skating, house parties, after parties, clubs, hanging out at the parks, riding the streets always looking for fun.
I sowed a lot of oats early, having a host of homies, and a host of girlfriends didn't know anything about intimacy.
I had a curiosity with hardcore friends I didn't join just hung out with a gang and carried weapons wore the colors, I guess you can say I was affiliated.
Here is what I want to say about GOD, all of that life was filled with emptiness, on the outside it looked like I should have been truly happy, cars, money, clothes whatever my heart desired. Do you know what depression is like, I knew it early but didn't know what it was called.
GOD was talking to me, because I recall it like it was today, I always had a lingering thought that said was this it, is this what life is about, pleasure?
GOD DrUw me into the church using what he knew would get my attention, beauty, there was a woman who looked like Janet Jackson at my job. She was illuminated about Christ, she invited me to Church. I came and heard something wonderful the GOSPEL that someone really loved me so deeply and came to rescue me and died, rose and is coming again his name is Jesus Christ.
I accepted Christ in my late teens, I felt so wonderful, liberated on the inside, I accepted him out of fear that if I didn't I wouldn't have made it to be 20 years of age.
Many things started happening back then, I stop hanging out with the gang, the drinking friends, the girls, and player friends, and I fell in deep love for this girl who looked like a beautiful Chinese Black Pocahontas.
Jesus had his calling on me to an intimate relationship with himself long before I accepted him.
Now I was always fascinated with military weaponry, movies, etc never joined the US military.
See this Jesus planned his lifetime spiritual military campaign on me without my knowledge. His strategy to get into the center of your heart, control the whole person, I keep my personality he wants to form his own character in me.
The word says something like this, someone dropped the seed, someone else watered, but GOD makes it grow.
Jesus said he stands at the door of the heart and knocks. I think he stands at the door and drops bombs, on the heart. Bombs of the word of GOD, the truth which are dropped on the mind the battlefield, the heart to weaken my belief systems, and philosophies.
Let me explain, if you watch our military they begin their warfare with sending the airforce to drop bombs and send missiles to soften heavy fortified installations.
I really don't know my heart, and how it was so protected, I know some of my hurts, but the damages, wow only GOD knows the condition of one's heart.
Some call it having your guards up and being so defensive, and resistant to GOD or anyone from going into the heart, mostly out of fear of intimacy, fear of exposing the real person, fear of rejection, fear of getting hurt.
Tomorrow I will have Chapter 1.
Thank you for reading my personal testimony, do yours I would like to read it, there are some good inspirational, motivating people who are examples for me who inspired me to write. May GOD be glorified.
May 12, 2009
This is painful but helpful

May 11, 2009
What channel are you watching?

May 9, 2009
GOD is using whatever it takes.

- Remember no one has been more successful at overcoming than Jesus, he took it all, without falling, or failing, to show us how, what a perfect model.
- He sufferred so he can feel you, he knows it's not easy to live without a some effort, some prayer to the heavens 24 hour hot line available to help at all times especially when it's overwhelming.
We can also rejoice in knowing that GOD is going through the pain with us.
Ok why all of this?
GOD develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which your tempted to express the exact opposite quality!
There are 9 qualities and a beautiful description of Jesus Christ, he is developing character in your life because it's eternity that is at hand, he wants you to be with him not just this temporary time here.
Very heavy huh?
Stay focused on GOD's plan, not your pain or situation, your focus will determine your feelings.
The secret of endurance is to remember that your pain is temporary but your reward will be eternal.
Keep the eyes of your faith on Jesus!
Your not alone he's working on me too, and be like Jacob he wrestled with GOD and GOD let him win, Jacob said I will never let go until you BLESS ME!
Powerful attitude, wrestle with GOD he loves it!
May 8, 2009
Another View
May 6, 2009
Pray like David

Pray like David as he shared in the Psalms, vent vertically, express your feelings, your frustrations, your adoration, your joys, your everything, be totally honest with GOD, just know GOD can handle you.
Your life is so worth it to GOD, even when you are at your end, it can be a beginning for you and GOD.
Circumstances, pain, trouble, problems, emergencies are GOD's opportunity to show up and show out, it's not that GOD is mad at you, he is mad about you.
Pick up the Bible and turn to the Psalms it's recorded for you as an example, use it for your benefit and for others, experience GOD.
May 4, 2009
Tweeting too much

May 1, 2009
Real Community

Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.
Humility is thinking more of others.
Quotes from the book of Philippi from the bible. Commentary by Purpose Driven Life.
These things are not something that happens over night but it takes frequency.